My first week on here went okay. Thank you all for the advice! I have kept away from my danger foods, kept carbs quite low and fats higher. My main nemesis being bread! How can they say I can be quite free with real butter but without the bread!? That is plain cruelty! Ha ha.
I even had a get together with some friends, we all drink 'real ale' normally, but I shocked them and stuck with white wine all evening and resisted the food except some pulled pork and cheese.
Tomorrow I will get back on the scales to see how it went, and start on it in a more planned way. Starting a two week induction and see how I get along.
I just am a bit unsure about foods that are higher in fibre than in carbs. Do I just count them as 0 carb, or do I still knock the full fibre amout off the rest of my intake of carbs for the day?