I have joined the USA Paralympic swim team in Columbus Ohio , I get to swim 700 meters twice a week and I am already seeing a difference in my weight so far I have lost 6 pounds and will continue to train so that one day I might have the chance to go to the Paralympics , I have also started eating more protein and fruits and vegetables and working out on my own, I think losing weight and training hard will make my dreams come true and I will lose weight faster
Joining the Paralympic swim team to lo... - Weight Loss Support
Joining the Paralympic swim team to lose weight

It sounds like your enjoying it too.. Great bonus as the more you enjoy what you're doing and eating the more you will stick to it and look forward to it.
Cheering you on 🎉🎉🎉
Well done! And good luck with the swimming and continued weight loss 🎉

Thank you
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Like most things in life, the more you come onto forum and talk to others, the better the support. I look forward to hearing more from you in the future
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Best wishes in your weight loss journey
Indigo 😊

Wow That's amazing and what a fantastic motivation! Good luck!
What a great way to stay focused! Wishing you all the best

Wow ! That would be amazing ! Would you like to join our Easter challenge to lose half a stone by Easter? Just post your weight on the Easter Countdown challenge post, hope to see you there! I will attach a link for you
You will find swimming a wonderful way to lose weight and can lead to joining jeams and college scholorships. Keep up the fantastic work, you are just a few few hours south of my location will be keeping an eye on you. I know I'll be hearing great news.