Last lot of batch cooking enough meals now ready for the week ahead
All done now just tasted : Last lot of... - Weight Loss Support
All done now just tasted

Well done you, hope you enjoy the fruits of your labour! Ive made another pan of leek and potato soup for the freezer this afternoon, will be having some for my tea soon
Not tried freezing home made soup.enjoy my friend
Its really handy when you get in from work, a healthy meal straight from the feezer too the microwave when youI havent got the time or the inclination to start cooking from scratch
Very true or even taking to work if you have a microwave
Yes even better, at least if youve made it yourself you know exactly what's in it
At least you know what's in it with no added surprises I suffer with gout as well so very careful
Oh dear. Thats very painful isnt it ? Is it in your feet ? Used to be said a rich mans disease too much port and red meat , rich living or so the saying went
So they say but I don't have a rich diet it's uric acid kidneys produce to much and can't flush enough out so uric chrsystal form in the joint usually the feet I.get in my big toe so diet and what I eat play a big part in my life only found out 3 months ago so still getting my head around things

Hi Davo68
Your meals look great, and I bet they'll be very tasty. You're prepared for the week ahead now.
Sure am

If you like curries then you can do the Mayflower curry in the slow cooker, quite tasty and healthy
Not tried that one