I am 25 and my weight is 82kg. Should I lose some weight? Also kindly let me know the best breakfast I can do every morning for healthy living.
Weight Loss and Breakfast Diet - Weight Loss Support
Weight Loss and Breakfast Diet

Hi syednc
Breakfast is relative to where you live, what's available and what your preferences and possible allergies are!!
Personally like cheese roll ups or bacon and eggs... but that wouldn't suit any vegans or vegetarians!
I hope whatever you choose to eat gives you adequate nutrition and keeps you satiated until lunchtime 😋
Cheering you on 🎉🎉🎉
Hello Syednc,
Take yourself along to the NHS BMI calculator and put in all the information they ask for. It will tell you what your ideal weight is and also how many calories you should be consuming. In reality, I think if you are happy in your own skin and are in the healthy range, then that is what matters. You did tell MissisB that you didn't need to loose weight 5 days ago and I see that she awarded you a Healthy BMI badge
As for breakfasts, some protein and fat will see you through the morning, so a good cooked breakfast or some avocado and scrambled egg. You could take a look at the recipes in Topics or go along to the Daily Diary and see what other people are having.
My height is 6 feet and according to NHS BMI Calculator I am in healthy weight category. Thanks for this info as well lucigret!
That answer's your question then syednc, well done for being in the healthy range. As long as you maintain a healthy eating life style you will be fine
As a person who is maintaining a healthy weight, there is a maintainers group here that meets every month.
This will help you keep up your healthy habits and get new ideas
As regards breakfast, healthy protein and fat is good for keeping you nourished. Variety is good too.
Best wishes😀
I always have a high protein breakfast that keeps me feeling full for more than 5 hours and avoids having the urge to snack. I also avoid carbs i the form of cereals or bread at breakfast. Typical breakfast: 2 tomatoes, 2 egg omelette, two rashers grilled lean bacon washed down with a mug of home made semi skimmed latte ( no sugar). I know it is a lot of calories but it works for me in terms of avoiding the need for many calories before dinner as for lunch I usually have low calorie fluids and protein bar/protein snack.
Porridge made with half milk half water and a tiny pinch of salt great to keep you full until low g.i. And lots of soluble fibre