Is there anywhere on your profile that you can enter your weight and record it weekly/monthly please
Profile : Is there anywhere on your... - Weight Loss Support

Yes. Please follow the link I just gave you and you'll find your way to it

Hi Hidden
I'm not aware of anywhere on the profile page to enter a calendar of weight loss, but if you were to keep it as a spreadsheet and convert it to a graph each month, you could add the graph as your background picture..
You could also include it in your write up introducing yourself and edit it monthly.. I hope this is helpful 😉
Cheering you on to enjoy the forum 🎉🎉🎉

The only thing I could suggest would be to go to your profile and enter it on “My Story”. Please note this would then be visible to everyone looking at your profile, so I am not sure whether you would want this or not.
Unfortunately, Health Unlocked does not offer you any private space to record this - but you could write and suggest it to them.
Alternatively, there are various Apps that you can use to record your weight, or even have your own notebook which you could personalise and record just what you want. 🙂