I have learned from very recent experience that you all must drink lots more water not just to keep your diet working but to keep your body functioning well. If something goes wrong with your system you can never completely put it right. 😢
Drink water. Lots of it.: I have learned... - Weight Loss Support
Drink water. Lots of it.
Upping my fluid levels, plenty of herbal tea for me!

Would you like to expand on this for the newbie post Aqua?
Sorry. Everyone should drink at least six glasses of water a day to help your body process the food and drink you put into it. It is also essential for heart,liver and all organs because they need water to function.
If your body is short of the water it needs it can damage your system.
This has been bought into sharp focus for me because my husband is ill and needing tests and treatments that a healthy water drinking regime might have avoided.
I have been advised to make sure I drink water whilst eating meals, this help the passage of food through the body and out!! Also adding some linseed into your diet, I have a dsp with my breakfast cereal can help. Keeping regular is good for all of us.
Hi, I'm not a good water drinker. I find when I do make an effort I run to the loo all the time which can be troublesome if you are out dog walking or somewhere where there is no toilet. If I were to persist with the water drinking will this eventually stop or become less frequent?
Yes it probably would alter. the first few days you seem to be always needing the loo then it adapts. Water does not put weight on.
Thank you for your speedy reply. I'll give it a go.
Thanks for this. Sometimes we find these things out when it is too late so thank you for the heads up.
I hope everything works out well for your husband.
I am going to up my intake today. In the past I have done this by having a large glass if water before ever meal and snack. So nothing in the mouth til I have had the water and there is the six / seven.
Keep well everyone.
I hope everything works out OK for your husband. One of the best reasons I know to keep my water intake up is that my face looks less wrinkled in the morning if I have been well hydrated the day before.
You okay? what happened?
I hope things are going yo be ok. I just don't know yet. It probably can't be fixed but will be managed in some way.
Hi Aqua sorry to hear about your husband hun, I hope he is okay ?? I agree with drinking plenty of water and recommend drinking at least 8 glasses a day
Hey! Here [url=happybody.tv/how-much-water...] you can find some advices concerning water drinking.