This afternoon Iam baking an all singing mother of all chocolate cakes for my daughter in laws birthday. Dangerous territory right? I have banned the cup cakes she originally requested as was worried that 12 could become 10 and who would know hey? So she is getting a proper round cake....can hardly snaffle a slice and give it to her with a gap!! I have even bought the exact number of choccies to decorate it with so I can’t pop one of those little darlings in my chops!!
Cake Trick: This afternoon Iam baking an... - Weight Loss Support
Cake Trick

Well done on planning ahead. Nibbles while cooking has always been one of my downfalls. We have our village show at the end of the month, which involves jam, chutney lemon curd, pies, cakes and pastries and I really have to enter as I'm on the committee....
I need some of your will power!
I hope she enjoys it and appreciates your efforts!
Oh my!! I take my hat off to you 👒. Well done 👏. I hope you are going to have a small piece though after all your hard work?
I have a strategy for family cake days as I bake them!! They ask me to cut them so instead of saying no I cut a small piece last for me and take ages to eat it, and they dont notice I am doing this thing secretly and waiting for them to notice. Then I dont feel like any one is watching me as sometimes its nice to use some of my allowance on a treat without “ should you be having That”
With your position comes great responsibility. Or as the French sort of say "Wobbleless oblige"
Is that similar to wobbleless or shoot thy self???