I’ve been maintaining my weight for roughly 5 months (I lost 8 stone) and now I get really annoyed about the eating habits of my co-workers. For example every Friday they have what is called ‘fat friday’, which this week included a fried breakfast sandwich mid morning, followed by cream cakes and then Dominos pizza. I was literally the only person in the establishment not to eat any of the food and was stuck with my usual healthy lunch. This made me feel really left out as I too used to indulge in this way, just like they all do constantly. I eat healthy 80 percent of the time and allow myself treats when with family or friends, as this is when I enjoy them the most. However their constant overconsumption of unhealthy food really makes me want to give up my lifestyle sometimes and go back to the way I used to be when I was a big lad (always indulging). It also frustrates me that most of them are at healthy weights and they can eat as they like, when they like. Whereas I have to monitor my intake to keep the weight off for good. Anyone else feel the same way?
Anyone else frustrated by co-workers e... - Weight Loss Support
Anyone else frustrated by co-workers eating habits?

I know how you feel Ginger_Ninja I started a new job over a month ago and they are all the same with their eating. I am always been offer unhealthy food like last week it was Mcdonald's breakfast on 2 mornings followed by Doughnuts and chocolate crispy cakes! Just stick to your guns I know it is hard but you have worked so hard to lose the 8 stone so you keep to your healthy lunches. Well done for having such a strong will power to not be tempted to join in.

I too know how you feel. Cakes and biscuits are a constant in my work office and it takes at times a lot of will power not to give in even when everyone else is over indulging. Don't lose heart you have done amazingly to lose eight stone and don't let anyone detract from that amazing feat.
It is hard when colleagues don't understand the struggle especially if it makes you feel left out, but enjoying your "naughty" time with family and friends is definitely a much better way to enjoy it.
Keep strong you are amazing
Yes I know what you mean. It's not fair is it?
Wow, you have done amazing to lose 8 stone, don't let a few thoughtless people derail you, it's not worth it 🤐 Just think of the damage they are doing themselves - you might not see it on the outside, but you know yourself how overeating makes you feel - you might enjoy it while you're eating it, but the bloated stuffed feeling afterwards, the indigestion /heartburn, not to mention the guilt, you don't need that 😊 your body appreciates the care you obviously take to feed it well now, so save your treats for the special times, & carry on as you are 😊💪

Well done on your weight loss. My partner had a problem with the volume of cakes being brought in to his work and the pressure not just to eat them but also contribute to the selection on offer. It took a while and some discretion but the message was accepted and he no longer participates.
Aww totally get it Ginger_Ninja ! We don't have anything so bad as that in our office but certainly I contend with some of it! We have a big area piled high with sweets and chocolates and cakes constantly refueled by my colleagues! sweets aren't my number 1 weakness but I am a struggling overeater who can see chocolates piled high in my line of vision. Some days it annoys me.
I often think junk should be banned from work offices. like in primary schools. And yes, it's a bit "Nanny state" but we are fools if we think the "state" i.e. food industry isnt controlling us with constant messaging as well as highly addictive unhealthy cr*p. They have crafted a quite literal trap.
I think when it comes to this kinda thing the state should step in and do more. Sugar tax not enough.
why can't vending machines in my office have healthy items at the very least. if I forget my breakfast the healthiest thing I can buy is a blooming cereal bar with more sugar than a crunchie.
sorry for the rant.

I eat 150g full fat yoghurt and at least 40g of nuts per day. Pretty sure I don’t skimp on the fat. I aso enjoy eating these healthy foods most of the time, just junk food tastes better.
Just because they look healthy does not mean they are. Do this for the long term benefits. You won’t regret it.
I’m over 40 and have a long way to go on this journey, so know how you feel.
Don’t give up but also don’t forget that it is OK to have a little of what you fancy now and again. It’s called living x