Hi everyone! Just joined today and hoping for the best. Need to loose about 3 stones😲 and am already in a panic mode. As a vegetarian I am looking for more veggierecipes (without egg) and found only a few of them on smart recipes.
Vegetarian recipes (without egg) - Weight Loss Support
Vegetarian recipes (without egg)

Welcome Aswani08
As a Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy fan all I can say is 'DON'T PANIC!'. Try not to think about the whole journey but break it down into small 'trips' such as the first couple of pounds and then maybe 1/2 as stone or something else. Maybe think of a reward you'll allow yourself each time you reach one of those mini goals (non-food based ).
We do have 'Recipes - Vegetarian' that individuals have posted under 'Topics' but you'll have to look through them to find out which ones don't have eggs in.
Good luck!
I recommend the Deliciously Ella cook books and her social media. Very healthy and creative recipes, all plant based I think.

Great to have you join us Aswani08
Welcome and enjoy the forum...
I'm sure you will get many suggestions for recipes.
Please check with your health professional regarding your actions to lose weight and get their support locally to compliment this wonderful forum...
I'd like to invite you to read our Newbie Pack - which is what I call the sat-nav to the benefits of the forum, here's the link:
Please also read this about the importance of locking your posts:
Cheering you on to reach your goals 🎉🎉🎉
Look at the website 'one green planet' they have an app called Food Monster which has a ridiculous amount of recipes, all vegan. Is it the taste of eggs that you don't like? Or do you have an allergy to them? There are plenty of alternatives but it depends on your reasons for avoiding eggs as to what can be suggested.
Hi cookie101! Thanks for your reply. I don’t have any allergies but don’t like the smell of the egg. Will look into all recipes as advised 🙂
I can relate to that. If that's the case, try chia or flax eggs for recipes requiring the egg for binding. There are plenty of other options like bananas or Apple sauce also. Scrambled tofu is awesome and as tofu is quite bland, it doesn't smell at all and can be flavoured in tons of different ways. There are a load of youtube recipes which can advise you on the best ways to do these types of recipes. There are some vegan egg type products but some do still smell like egg so be cautious about what you choose.

There are loads of soup recipes - big, filling soups that can do for a main course. I do a spicy carrot soup, and there's one on the Tesco site called Nana's soup.
You can try various veg with curry - I don't have a recipe, just use whatever I have in.
Dear In-Panic,
Don't Panic, breathe, smile, pause... things will be fine.
Its a good choice to be a vegetarian, and there are a million choices for you available.
There is no need to cook any exotic stuff to lose weight. You can simply eat apples, bananas, papayas... or boil chickpeas and sprinkle some salt on them and eat.
There is no necessity for elaborate menus, rather weight loss / healthy foods are simple and easy.
Look for simple solutions, which are easy to make/ bake /cook / boil and it will be easy to manage and follow in the long term.
Don't make the process complicated, else you will dump it soon.
Simplify life, eat simple foods, live simply, like a cave man and you will be soon fit and fine and healthy and happy.