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Hello everyone ! What exercise are you... - Weight Loss Support
Hello everyone ! What exercise are you planning on doing today? Do you like walking, running etc

I walk two miles on my walking track next to the house every day. Also I'm pretty active at work eight hours a day all week.

You made it out on to that track wtg!!!!
Just about to do my core strength exercises... physio therapy led ones for a specific problem. I alternate each day between them and jogging with one day off per week.
I got my bike back yesterday from its first ever service so hope to be getting out on that again also.
Such an inspiration!!
I think I might ask for my bike to serviced as an Xmas present. Is it expensive?
Cost me 25 quid. Got all my gears working, redid brakes and moved various bits into the 'right' place and said the equivalent of 'your bike is older than the ark' Not sure what the diff is between my baby and a new one but they thought I could pick up something 2nd hand for about 70 which would allegedly be way better than mine. Ho hum, it survived years cycling the streets of London so I'll stick with it for now.
I will be swimming from December and when I've lost more weight I will start jogging again, which I really enjoy. I may get my step out and dvd and do 10 mins but I am taking it slowly as it's early days getting back into a routine. I want to find a routine that is sustainable.
Hello and welcome to the weight loss forum Lost_raccoon are you here to lose weight or just exercise?
I would like to invite you to join our Newbie Club, which we hope will be a good place for you to connect with members, who are also just starting out, or re-starting.
If you just post a few words on the November Newbie Club thread to introduce yourself and respond to others there you will soon feel part of the club.
Follow this link to the Newbie club: healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh...
Please read all the information carefully, it is very useful and can be referred to whenever you want to check something.
It just remains for me to wish you well on your journey

My swim membership runs out beginning of January, so been comparing prices of alternative venues. Think I will join health club, so can use the gym also.

well I am thinking about taking a convoluted walk to the supermarket and get some ingredients so I can make my xmas cake this afternoon since apart from skyping with my sister I have nothing really planned today!
I have an exercise bike which i will be going on once my other half is up to watch my daughter. I was doing loads of walking 3-4 miles a day but now she is walking she hates being in pushchair for too long so its getting harder to fit it in. I'm hoping its a phase if not i really need to work something out.
That sounds like a real dilemma! My neighbours got their toddler a little 'strider' - it looks like a bike but there's no pedals, he pushes it along using his legs to stride either side of it - he really gets up some speed! Maybe this is why people get their kids these little scooters too... just need to speed your daughter up somehow...?

she has only been walking a month so still finding her feet but something like that could be a good idea when she is a bit more stable
It isn't something i thought about suddenly not wanting to be in the pushchair, but i guess its called growing up.
It's exciting though I think there are pushchair alternatives if she's still very small, like little 'bikes' or 'cars' that have a tall handle so you can push her along, or she can pedal/stride when she wants to... Hope you find a solution

she is 15 months. I will definitely look into it.... Maybe Santa will bring her something like that
I like to mix it up to keep things fresh Lost_raccoon
Lesley Sansome ‘Happy Walk’ on you tube
NHS choices Strength and Flex
Indoor cycling on my exercise bike
Dog walking
Dancing - disco/Ceilidh/Scottish country dancing
Recently I’ve introduced more ‘resistance’ exercise using big elastic bands and kettle bell type exercises
At the end of the day if we do what we enjoy it will be sustainable 😊😊😊
Pilates class this evening to keep my back in check.

It's Wednesday so going out the door to do my 2nd 5K run of the week...FAB day today sunny and a high of 17 forecast...this afternoon I'm hoping to complete my polytunnel tasks but now I've got to run
I'm going to the gym today with a good friend of mine. I'm having a trainer there who always makes sure that I'm doing the exercises the right way. It's definitely the best thing for me, because I someone to contact with all my questions (I have a lot of them as I just started to work out) and with my trainings partner I also have the motivation to go!
I've been to spin class tonight
Hi Lost_raccoon I am just about to go out foe a 20-30 minute run/jog.
Have to get back for a shower and get off to my first meeting which is almost an hour away by car - so I had better go. I don't want to go in the dark so another couple of minutes should be good to go.
I have some weights at home so I do circuits with a mixture of classic weights exercises like bicep curls, mixed with bodyweight stuff like squats and press ups.
For cardio I love my floor to ceiling punchbag! it's so much fun and takes up less room than a running machine/static bike/etc. I time 15, 45 second rounds with 15 seconds rest on my a tabata timer app on my phone. It's a very good workout and only 15 minutes
I'm trying to build a habit of exercising every other day