Morning you lovely bunch! Well....weigh-in done and I'm one happy mummy......6lb off! Yaaayyyyy ! Xx
Happy happy! : Morning you lovely bunch... - Weight Loss Support
Happy happy!

Wow congratulations - are you going to weigh in on the Super Saturday weigh in thread - you can find it in events

Good morning cracker10! Hope you are feeling on top of the world! I don't know why I am feeling so good today. I think it was one word, "Grazie" from The F1 driver Daniel Ricchiardo in reply to my tweet made me as excited as a little girl! More importantly I feel so grateful for having such lovely people like you who support us in our weight watching. I ate a toasted crumpet, a left-over from a packet, for breakfast with some cucumber and a teeny bit of ham and I chewed it slowly. Checked the calories and it could not have been more than 150 cals, so off to a good start and looking forward to doing 2 hours of gardening, and then school work! Have a glorious day!
Hi parsifale did you mean to post here or on the Daily Diary for Saturday? If it's the Daily Diary then you will find it in the events section
Please read the information on the newbie thread to help you move around the forum and it gives you info if using a phone to post
Here's the link for you to the Newbie club with all the info

I will be honest cracker 10 - this site is "very" confusing to navigate. I find I go to post or try to reply to a thread and I find I am reading something from 2 years ago. I think there is something wrong with the design of this site, but I have'nt got the time to sit and think about it. The system software is just not clever enough to keep track of the threads and there is no way of the system leading you to the right place.
Are you using a phone? And are you using an app or internet browser?

Thanks cracker10, I didn't know there was super Saturday weigh-in. Thanks for letting me know, I'll go and look for the thread. X
Here's a link to it but you can always find it under 'Events' on the right hand side after you've clicked on 'Home'
Well done and have fun
Yee-haw, well done that's a fab loss.