Good morning!
It's another lovely morning so getting up to cycle and then start my water regime of 2 litres a day . I have to say, now I'm on my 5th day I haven't noticed any massive differences, except I feel fuller so I'm less hungry which is a bonus, but one thing I have noticed is I have been finding it even harder to sleep, whether that's anything to do with the water I don't know yet , but worth mentioning!
Yesterday was a fairly sedentary day all round, I cycled twice, morning and evening, breakfast was light and main meal was steamed , and fruit for snacks , but weight remains the same, so nothing ground shaking there either!
Since I am now my n possession of a card that allows me to go swimming free ( there are some benefits to being over 60)! I shall start swimming, but trying to get hubby to come too is like trying to get our cat to walk backwards! But, to his credit he drank 2 litres of water with me yesterday, which is a huge achievement!!
Today I have a drawing to finish so I must get on, but wishing everyone a fine day!
Be safe whatever you're doing!