Whatever's the matter with me having such a bad day just want to eat everything in sight & after the week I've just had when I lost 5 1/2lb & stuck to my calorie allowance every day I'm so disappointed with myself. I suppose that's the problem with being addicted to food
Struggling already: Whatever's the... - Weight Loss Support
Struggling already

Nannyjen, Everyone here will tell you that there are ups and downs, and good days and bad days. But you'll come through this. You had a great week last week and you'll have great losses in the future. This is just one day. There's no reason to get downhearted over just 1 day (half a day?). You'll be strong enough to get back on track. WE've all been there and are rooting for you!
Don't be cross with yourself Nannyjen It always happens at some point, particularly when we think we are doing quite well.
Could you try and distract yourself with another kind of treat ? A nice walk, a long soak in the bath, sitting down with a good book ?
Or is there something you could make to eat that isn't going to break the calorie count too much ?
Keep going - you've done brilliantly so far !

I went upstairs to do some ironing to keep me away from the cupboard not a treat but needed doing. Thanks for your support
Have you maybe been a little too strict Nannyjen do you think? How many calories have you been eating? If I cut down too far I'm ok for a day or so but it always seems to catch up with me 😕
I firmly believe if you are truly and properly hungry you need to eat to nourish your body.
Best wishes
Hi Nannyjen
You are at the crucial stage in your weight loss journey where so many people get to - the point where you're getting a little fed up with the tedium of counting calories, logging, being good!
Do take a look at whether you're not being a little too strict with yourself? I don't know how much weight you have to lose but that's a terrific weight loss in one week...
Think of the story of the race between the hare and the tortoise. There's no point in leaving yourself so short of calories that you can't enjoy yourself a little. Even a one pound or half a pound loss each week is still taking you towards your goal. When I work out my average weight loss in getting to my 4.5 stone loss, it works out slightly less than half a pound a week - although of course, sometimes it was more and sometimes less (or even worse - a gain!)
There will be week where despite your very best efforts, your weight loss will stall. But please don't let one or two bad days or even one session of over-indulging get you down too much? Just try and understand why it happened (what triggered you to go off the rails), try to log the damage (it may not be as bad as you presume), pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get yourself back to it.
And well done for coming onto the forum and admitted you're struggling. You are not alone, we will all have times when we struggle!
Thank you pineapple27 some very helpful advice. I went upstairs to do some ironing for hour just to keep me away from the cupboard. Even though I'm dog sitting at the moment there's only so much time you can spend out walking especially in this weather have been out twice today & will go again later.
Oh Nannyjen, please don't be so hard on yourself. We all have days like that. I've thought about the various forms of addiction out there and how, with anything other than food, total abstinence is the recommended way to go. Total avoidance of other addicts, places or social situations that offer that addiction. Smoking, drinking, drugs etc you give up. Period. But we all have to eat, prepare food for our families, shop for food, dine out, socialise. Our celebrations revolve round food. We meet friends for lunch, dinner, coffee. We are surrounded by it, on the street and on the tv. No wonder we feel weak sometimes.
We can't give food up completely, we just need to make our peace with it, negotiate a truce that we can live with. Run up the white flag for today and live to fight again tomorrow. You can do it. Granny Power!😘

Thanks for your words of encouragement I know tomorrow will be a day to write off as going to the races & that will include breakfast on the way meal on the way back & drinks most of the afternoon. But Sunday I will be back on track

Thank you your words are so true
Hey there, I'm looking at losing 5-6 stones over the next 12 months and at the rate of just over 1.5 pounds per week I'll do it - no problem! I've done it before.
REMEMBER: You didn't put that excess weight on overnight - so why should you expect to lose it overnight? 1-2lbs per week is the maximum you realistically need to lose.
All the best with your new eating programme and don't - whatever you do - try a starvation diet, it can work in reverse, because your body thinks you're starving and goes in to self-preservation mode!