Sometimes I just don't understand me! - Weight Loss Support

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Sometimes I just don't understand me!

12 Replies

Yesterday was the first day of my holidays. I had decided that I must start moving to boost my weightloss and that I would be getting up at my usual work time, 5AM, and heading to the gym. Great plan, right?! Of course!

Time to put the plan in action. Woke up up at 5AM, got to the gym at 5:20 - it's one of those 24hour chains - imagine my surprise when I see 15 cars already there! Panic sets in because I wanted to avoid too many people. Anyway, I "woman up" and head in. The last time I was at that gym was two years ago (have been paying subscription all that time - hey, call me an optimist!) and the lay out had totally changed. More internal panic! Trying to find the staircase, I walk into the showers! You could see the regulars sniggering (well, maybe you couldn't but that's what my brain was telling me). Well, finally found the cardio and looked at the bike - couldn't figure out what to do, how to adjust and it all got too much - picked up my water bottle and left. SIGH! Really?????!!!!!

I had a stern word with myself last night and decided that this would not get the better of me - so what if they stare at your hips jiggling as you do the treadmill? So what if you have to stop every three mins on the cross trainer? You know what you're there for so just flippin' do it!

Gym trip take two - up this morning at 5, in gym at 5:20, forget the upright bike, do the treadmill, do the reclining bike and just 3 mins on the treadmill (panting all the while). Now, I am tired but happy that I didn't let yesterday faze me and looking forward to tomorrow!

12 Replies
tidirhin2548 profile image
tidirhin25486kgRestart April 2024

Well done for beating gym intimidation Hidden . I'm sure you will now keep going back with confidence.

victoria-anne profile image

Well done - I'm not sure I could of overcome the anxiety, I bet you feel amazing for having just beaten the mental barrier. In 2 weeks you'll wonder why it ever phased you!

Also, I bet half the fit people in there ace started of where we are now, with good intentions and the determination for a better lifestyle. If you do see them look your way, don't think they're judging, they're more likely cheering you on to keep going. :)

in reply to victoria-anne

I like that thought, Victoria. I will keep that in my mind!

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Very very well done Hidden that took real courage!

A personal trainer once told me he loves to see less-fit people in his gym as it's so rewarding to see them improve. And unless you are pink and sweaty your not doing it right! 😊

Nannyjen profile image

Good for you & well done for going back that took guts but you did it. I for 1 am proud of you for doing that 👍

JiminyCricket profile image

Well done you! Thats really amazing, I am in awe. I would have done the same as you the first time round, but I don't know if I'd have the courage to go back. Fab!

hudson95 profile image

Well done for going back today :) gym intimidation is horrible and I've definitely done my fair share of bailing at the last minute until I realised that confidence is key and if you're nice to everyone they'll usually be nice back.

Lindakirk profile image
Lindakirk1st 7lbs

What you have said is exactly how I feel about gyms. I have the fear that everyone knows what to do except me! Never been to a gym in my life.

Mind you when I'm walking in our park which is next to a gym I can see people walking on treadmills and I wonder why don't they just get out and walk in the park instead.

Wow - not just the bravery in even going, but going back again after the first trip didn't go too well. Congratulations for sticking at it and you know that every trip will just get easier from now on :-) :-)

pickle484 profile image

Well done you for going back! Not long ago I spoke with some male friends who go the gym regularly.. there the type of lads who are out at the weekend, football fans, loud etc. You know, the ones you would think would laugh at you at the gym! Anyhoo.. I asked them what they thought when they seen a bigger person at the gym and they all replied they felt respect and admiration for them! This totally put my mind at rest and I hope it helps you a little too :)

Don't worry about what others may or may not think.. this is your journey not theirs!

13Valerie profile image

Well done for your tenacity. . That characteristic will serve you well in your weightloss.

Could you ask for an introductory session in the gym? Sometimes just saying it as it is to a member of staff (just like you did here) can be helpful..

You've taken the first step so well done.. it'll get easier from here.💪

DRS54 profile image

Good for you! And brave, too - keep going.

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