Noob: Hi, I'm Emily. Finally gotten to... - Weight Loss Support

Weight Loss Support

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MrsEmilyWoodMalloy profile image

Hi, I'm Emily. Finally gotten to the point in my life where I NEED to lose weight or live with health issues for the rest of my life. I've tried doing it alone several million times in the past but never succeeded!

Biggest challenges are avoiding sugar cravings (especially as we have a bake sale at work next week)

Fingers crossed for a good road to weight loss nirvana!

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MrsEmilyWoodMalloy profile image
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14 Replies
IndigoBlue61 profile image

Hello MrsEmilyWoodMalloy and welcome to the Weight Loss Forum

Here are a few suggestions on how to get the most out of the forum. Please note if you are using the new HU App many of these features are not available so I suggest you use the full website version.

The first place to look is at the Pinned posts section to the right of your screen (bottom if you're using a mobile), read the Welcome Newbie thread first and move through to the challenges, where we hope you'll find at least one that will appeal to you

Move down to the Topics, to find a variety of threads, collated into specific topics for ease of access and we ask that you also 'file' your own threads, so that others won't miss your important news

Have a look at the NHS 12 week plan, as many people have had success with it. Also use the BMI checker to find your target calories, it's important to eat enough. This was a major turning point for me, realising I could eat anything I wanted as long as the calories are accounted for

Don't forget to take your starting measurements and a 'before' picture, as they can be very motivating on days that the scales refuse to co-operate

The forum also have group weigh-ins every day, as well as a new Daily Diary, if you wish to take part. The posts can always be found in the Events section on the 'home' page

You'll notice a grey box next to people's names, these are achievement badges, and as a new member you have a 'Newbie' badge. We've found that to get the best out of this community, we need to be active on the forum, as it's where we exchange information, get motivation and inspiration and make friends. We hope that you'll join us here, regularly, too. If you have any questions please just ask

Best wishes


Minniewinny profile image
Minniewinny5 stoneMaintainer

Hi MrsEmilyWoodMalloy welcome to the forum, Well done on making a decision for change. Don't see this as a diet but a lifestyle change going forward that will help you reach your goal and then maintain it.

Cheering you on 🎉🎉🎉

MrsEmilyWoodMalloy profile image
MrsEmilyWoodMalloy in reply to Minniewinny

Thank you! It's nice to find a place where I can get support and give support back to people 😊

Minniewinny profile image
Minniewinny5 stoneMaintainer in reply to MrsEmilyWoodMalloy

Keep as active on the forum as you plan to be on your better health ahead.. this is exercise for the fingers and mind. When your mind is convinced that something is good.. you tend to stop fighting, resisting and avoiding the changes!! Enjoy your journey.

sazmy93 profile image

Ah sugar cravings, my ultimate vice... I would eat sugar all day every day, for every meal if I could... It's so tough trying to avoid it! In fact, I'm browsing this forum furiously right now, just to distract me from going to the shop and buying sweets!

Welcome, I hope you feel at home here. Well done for starting, that's the hard bit!

HubbysMissMouse profile image

I always used to struggle to lose weight and found out not long after I joined here because I still wasn't losing weight here either that if you don't check your calories on the NHS bmi calculator for you to find out how many you should have daily to be able to lose weight and make sure that you stick to somewhere between the amount it advises you do not manage to lose weight because if you eat less than the amount it states your body thinks that you are starving it and turns what you eat into body fat to ensure it can continue. Body fat weighs more than the extra calories would so this means that you don't lose weight and sometimes put weight on instead, I was only trying to eat around 900 calories a day and should have been eating almost double this amount to lose weight. Once I upped my calories to the amount to lose weight I started losing weight and have now managed to lose 2st. Please don't make this same mistake as well and good luck with your journey.

MrsEmilyWoodMalloy profile image
MrsEmilyWoodMalloy in reply to HubbysMissMouse

Thanks for the advice! I did do the BMI check earlier so I'm all good to go! Thank you x

Sheryl1992 profile image

Welcome to the forum. I am losing weight for my wedding despite the fact that my fiancé and I haven't set a date for our wedding yet. I am currently following Slimming World but weighing in at my mum's house instead of going to the meetings because I am in the process of moving and saving for my wedding. I have lost 7 1/2lbs in the last 5 weeks. I love the forum and I appreciate the support that I get from other forum members as well as family and friends.

kesmcg profile image
kesmcgHealthy BMI

It sounds nuts but I give myself a mental round of applause every time I say no to cake, chocolate etc. It seems to work for me. I like the feeling of control as others are woofing it down and I'm eating my fruit. I know, mad. Although I have lost four stone 8 pounds so my mad way worked! 😂

Hello, well done in joining everyone one is really friendly and supportive,

Wishing you luck 😊

Minniewinny profile image
Minniewinny5 stoneMaintainer

3 weeks on, How re you doing?

Cheering you on to your goals 🎉🎉🎉

MrsEmilyWoodMalloy profile image
MrsEmilyWoodMalloy in reply to Minniewinny

Hi. 3 weeks on. I'm 5lbs down. I'm going ok. I've had some tasty food and managed to plan in a bit of chocolate and wine here and there. But I miss the portion sizes I used to have!

Minniewinny profile image
Minniewinny5 stoneMaintainer in reply to MrsEmilyWoodMalloy

Well done on your weight loss, I hope you're pleased and feel the sacrifices are worth it. Keep doing what your doing.. it's obviously working for you x

James40Cheshire profile image

Well done on your excellent start, you have achieved a nice steady weight loss. I know exactly what you mean about portions, I felt the same as you at the start. What I found was that I needed to keep tweaking my meals and found a formula that worked for me, well so far anyway! Cutting down on carbs and changing the types of carbs was the key for me, especially bread. So a chicken sandwich became a chicken salad with some cooked lentils, potato quantities were reduced and extra veg was added etc etc. I found this kept me much more satisfied and made it much easier to stick within the calorie targets. Just have a play around with it and see what works for you. Good luck with your journey. James

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