Diabetes: Trying to motivate myself to... - Weight Loss Support

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Milis profile image
22 Replies

Trying to motivate myself to low carb myself out of diabetes. Was doing well until sepsis two years ago and a change in my health. I used to walk ten miles a day most days but now knee damage keeps me quite limited so I have to pay more attention to food intake.

I heard about this forum and hope to get some inspiration maybe.

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Milis profile image
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22 Replies
WinWeight profile image

Welcome, you're at the right place. A lot of people are here for health reasons. Did the doctor prescribed low carb for your diabetes? Or do you want to loose weight by eating eating low carb? Healthy full grain carbs helps us with energy especially if you need to cut sugar for the diabetes.

I'm counting calories and do portion control when I'm not sure how many calories the food contain or if I'm lazy. I had a huge improvement in my health with the 12 week NHS plan. You can download it for free and it gives you very good advice every week. Good luck.

Milis profile image
Milis in reply to WinWeight

Thanks. No, have had no recommendation about low carb. My tiny nurse opened and closed her tiny hand to show me what size a portion was. Very dispiriting. The message I got was that I could eat three teaspoons of food three times a day. Failure is what I feel and hope for no practical advice. I am reduced in my traditional mobility which was very high but my joints are damaged with sepsis. I feel like the accused every time I see a healthcare professional. I receive letters to go for blood tests and I comply. I feel I might talk myself out of this self neglect. All other moves have failed!

Ceals profile image
Ceals in reply to Milis

Stay with it Milis you have had a rotten time.

Keep coming on here and joining in you will get so much encouragement.

I try lower carb foods and have just realised that sweet potatoes and butternut squash are high in carbs as they had become a real standby for me.

I think reducing/cutting out processed foods and sugar (and sweetners) is also a good idea.

Have a look at the Daily Diary and see what other people cook, it s great fun.

Take care and good luck.

Milis profile image
Milis in reply to Ceals

Thank you for this heartening encouragement!

Ceals profile image
Ceals in reply to Milis

Everyone on here will be cheering you on. it is loads of fun and you really feel the care and concern of people. We are all on here for similar reasons and fid that helping each other helps us to help ourselves too.

WinWeight profile image
WinWeight in reply to Milis

If a healthcare professional tells you again to do something about it I hope you'll tell them you are. Because brainstorming with us and jounjng the forum is the start of the journey.

The daily diary is also not for me. You join whatever is working for you. I always ask people to read the inspiring posts of Pineapple27 She can't exercise like me and she had a long journey. She is upbeat and full if great ideas.

Milis profile image
Milis in reply to WinWeight

Thank you very much. I feel now that my journey has to be tweaked by me for me but with a focus on keeping healthy.

It is very helpful to hear those comments from you! I lost four pounds since I joined a fortnight ago. I do not k now yet why but I feel that my sense of focus is helping to take the fuzz out of my head!

WinWeight profile image
WinWeight in reply to Milis

Wow!!!! That's absolutely awesome! You are a ⭐️

Better eating helps my cognitive processes as well as it take care of depression. And focus is so good for our minds and soul.

Milis profile image
Milis in reply to WinWeight

Thanks for the ⭐️ And here is one for you for your empathy ⭐️

Tiggerr profile image

Hello Milis and welcome.

Well done for coming here, which in itself shows that you are feeling motivated. Having any health problems can be debilitating in more ways than one but hopefully here, you can find a way forward with your eating habits.

This forum is full of very knowledgeable, friendly and helpful people who will be more than happy to reply to any of your posts, thoughts or observations.

An administrator will reply providing you with information on how you may get the best from this forum, including the Daily Diary which could be helpful towards your motivation.

Good luck!

Milis profile image
Milis in reply to Tiggerr

Thank you. I seem to have a problem with a diary but will persevere. My appetite is non existent and I cannot envisage my next meal. The thought of preparing a salad turns my stomach and the same is true of any cooked meal. I can eat a meal but am repulsed by the thought of preparing my next meal. I do eat food that does not need preparation, healthy and unhealthy. I used to be a very enthusiastic healthy food cook but I cannot do it. I give away the ingredients I buy so as not to waste them. As I speak I have a fridge full of food I would have made a feast out of and enjoy the day cooking. It's a big change. We will see.

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to Milis

Given the situation you've described then I guess that initially your option as I see it (from afar) is to buy prepared food that is healthy. At least that way then calorie counting will be easier.

I'm wondering if you can think of anything that you would be happy preparing, perhaps creating a list of anything you can think of (I'm a bit of a list fanatic :) ). Would a baked potato, baked beans and some grated cheese be too much for you to deal with?

I'm sure its already been suggested but maybe try checking out the Daily Diary and see if anything that the others are posting catches your eye. It's quite an eye opener.... I like to think that I have a large cosmopolitan range of meals to turn to but there's always loads of new and intriguing ideas there.

Wishing you all the best.

Milis profile image
Milis in reply to Tiggerr

Thank you for your considered and excellent reply. Keep an eye on me!

Tiggerr profile image
Tiggerr in reply to Milis

Not a prob... keep posting Milis, it's good to get others' support here... I know I need it.

Milis profile image
Milis in reply to Tiggerr

Thank you for this. I feel that I will be encouraged well here.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Hi and welcome, Milis :)

That's a lovely photo! :)

Take a look at the Pinned posts section to the right of your screen (bottom if you're using a mobile), or in the drop down on the 'Posts' page (it says 'arrange by'). Read the Welcome Newbie thread, then move through to the challenges, where we hope you'll find at least one that will appeal to you.

Move down to the Topics, to find a variety of threads, collated into specific topics for ease of access and we ask that you also 'file' your own threads, so that others won't miss your important news.

Take a look at the NHS 12 week plan, as a lot of people have been successful with it, making sure to enter your details into the BMI calculator, to get a calorie allowance tailored to your personal requirements. Don't forget to take your starting measurements and a 'before' picture, as they can be very motivating on days that the scales refuse to co-operate.

We run a weigh-in every day of the week and you'd be very welcome to join one of them. The threads can always be found in the Events section, to the right of the HOME page, bottom on a mobile.

We also run a Daily Diary, where we share our meal and exercise plans for the day. It's a great place to get ideas and to keep us focused. The link can also be found in Events.

Be aware, that the HU app doesn't give you access to all of our important features, so we advise that you use the full website page.

We've found that to get the best out of this community, we need to be active on the forum, as it's where we exchange information, get motivation and inspiration and make friends. We hope that you'll join us here, regularly, too.

It's only left for me to wish you well on your journey :)

Milis profile image
Milis in reply to moreless

Thank you. I will revisit this. It is just right but hard to take in. Thanks again

Milis profile image
Milis in reply to moreless

Thanks again for the welcome and the message which I return to with increased understanding !

ceejayblue profile image

Have you also had a look at the diabetes.org.uk website? They have some great information on healthy eating for diabetics (and everyone in general really).

Lowering carbs is a good idea for a diabetic as it helps with the blood glucose levels and increasing the good fats also helps, although I don't do low carb high fat because certain fats affect my stomach, I am eating much better since I went added sugar free about 3 weeks ago and cook everything from scratch. I've done 2 sugar free challenges on line and am starting another one on Monday which is helping keep me focused.

Microbabe profile image
MicrobabeRestart June 2024

I so echo your situation I've just come out the other side of ovarian cancer and have diabetes .. I've cut carbs done but not eliminated them completely as I find constant plates of veg and protein can be boring after a while ... so a couple of times a week I will have plain rice, pasta or an oxo roast potato... a good option is sweet potato which is still carbs but has low gi so better than normal potato for us diabetics... so look out for low gi carbs if you can to keep things interesting ... I have dodgy hip so exercise is not easy but I do go for gentle walks and gradually build up remembering not to go too far as I have to get back lol 😂

Milis profile image
Milis in reply to Microbabe

You are the brave person here. Thank you so much for all the reminders as well. All info re food has made a massive mess in my mind! I have all the info here, just gone off track on my own. Joining in as best I can now. I have a change of circumstances where I am not in charge of my home at the moment. Will be sorted eventually.

Will see what today brings then and will try the diary again ⭐️


Microbabe profile image
MicrobabeRestart June 2024 in reply to Milis

Lol my brain aches sometimes with all info ... It's so easy to go off track when your left to own devices ... I think go on you deserve a treat ... know I'm changing my mindset into yes have a little of what you fancy but stay within calorie count and then it will be a guilt free treat ... I do tend to be hard on myself and especially as my weight loss journey is slow and steady but I'm going to keep fighting till I get to my goal 😊

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