Has anyone here done the detox water thing. where u get glass of water and add ingredients like cucumber etc? If so was it nice and did it work?
Detox Water: Has anyone here done the... - Weight Loss Support
Detox Water

You might like to read this, icandothis and form your own opinions as to the merits of detoxing?
Lemon, cucumber, lime, or mint, may make the water taste nicer?
Didn't know it was detox water but yes I put lemon, sprigs of mint or slices of cucumber in water and it is delicious.
I don't technically class it as detoxing to be honest just the term 'detox' seems to pop up.
do you make the water up in advance and leave to chill in the fridge or not. got 3 drinks I would try water wise with flavour if I like them is a different subject although I drink already bottled flavoured water but want to do my own at home.
I have just got a bag of lemons form the supermarket, i read that hot water with half a lemon on a morning boost the metabolism! (Mine gave up years ago!) but I'm willing to try it. I've also got some pink and red grapefruit as it seems it can do wonders. Try everything but take everything as a trial. Until you try something you don't know if it works. Also, what works for some will not work for others. But be optimistic! You will get there!!
My GP stopped me having lemon water in the mornings because it caused me to have excess acid - my tongue went tingly, everything tasted weird and because I have gallstones and a hiatus hernia he advised against it because of the acid problem (the odd lemon in a drink isn't a problem its the regular intake of lemon in water apparently. Also, it can strip the enamel off your teeth if you have too much.
However, I have put strawberries and cucumber in water and chilled it for a refreshing low cal, low carb drink in the summer.
I'm happy to let my liver and kidneys do the detoxing and just make sure I have enough fluid to flush things through
I agree with ceejay. If our bodies really needed detoxing, most of us would have been poisoned off long ago! Lots of vitamin C in lemons though. (And delicious with g&t!) Good luck with the weight loss journey, Icandothis. 😊