How Prejudiced is the NHS: So sad... - Weight Loss Support

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How Prejudiced is the NHS

Janet17 profile image
19 Replies

So sad watching this programme. It makes me feel like anyone that carries any weight is scum. I try and walk my 10 thousand steps a day with a bad knee and hip. I found out that I'm diabetic and I still have no idea what triggers it because I can't keep buying testing as the strips cost a fortune. I tried joining one of the diabetic websites but all the terminology didn't make any sense. I've stopped taking the glicozide because I was so worried I'd have a hypo in public on my own. I know what I look like in the mirror and I feel that I've tried every diet under the sun. I have no idea. Does everyone feel like me, or am I the only one?

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Janet17 profile image
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19 Replies

It's very sad watching this program. I am the same. Cannot walk like before having trapped nerve in lumber and constant pain. Weight gain. Trying to keep it of. Nhs are getting more prejudiced. with overweight people.

Ggran profile image

I agree Caroline62, I have just watched the programme, a young man I know is about 30st and isn't getting the help he needs. I only hope he watched it too, he will at least know that he's not alone.

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Regrettably I think not only is the general public prejudiced but many GPs and health professionals 😕 It is very sad but just being on here makes us some of the lucky ones. Free support, un-biased advice and absolutely no judgement 😊

I hope you enjoy the forum Janet17 😊

Here are a few suggestions for getting the most out of it.

The first place to look is at the Pinned posts section to the right of your screen (bottom if you're using a mobile), read the Welcome Newbie thread first and move through to the challenges, where we hope you'll find at least one that will appeal to you ☺

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Have a look at the NHS 12 week plan, as many people have had success with it. Also use the BMI checker to find your target calories, it's important to eat enough. This was a major turning point for me, realising I could eat anything I wanted as long as the calories are accounted for ☺

Don't forget to take your starting measurements and a 'before' picture, as they can be very motivating on days that the scales refuse to co-operate ☺

The forum also have group weigh-ins every day if you wish to take part. The posts can always be found in the Events section on the 'home' page ☺

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Best wishes


George56 profile image
George56 in reply to IndigoBlue61

Good morning Anna, I attended my appointment yesterday and went well. I did get weighed, the Dr. Recorded, but I forgot to ask for the figures, similar to last Saturday. Though.

The Dr. Said I will get another appointment soon, ii think the dietitian has left as i noticed a job vacancy.

Funding was mentioned, and I have the feeling, it's cut backs, so not sure what will happen.

I'm going to stick with group forum.

Thanks for your support. George 😎

in reply to George56

Go George stick to it you can do it with our help

Loseweightnow profile image

NHS when is works is fantastic ..unfortunately it is over used & under funded .. But we must not end up like America, treated like 2nd class citizens if you can't afford private healthcare insurance.... We are very lucky to have NHS , we pay a small amount of money to ensure that service is available .. It's not perfect but when it works, it's brilliant !! Something to think about if we are overweight we will have to consider what impact carrying excessive weight will have on our health long term.. Especially if you have serious health problems which have developed due to sugary foods. We are what we eat, therefore if we eat food with excessive fat content, sugary foods, large portions these will be detrimental & cause our bodies to struggle. making the right choices daily , allowing ourselves treats rather than over indulging will benefit our mind & bodies.. I know its easy for someone else to say but the way I see it is we only have one life so make it the best we can .. If that means taking better care, being honest with ourselves about what we put into our bodies , accepting we make mistakes, wrong choices sometimes that's all ok .. Next day, week, month get back on track. obesity is annoying word as you hear it & think that person must be huge . Yet that's not always the case you can be just over recommended weight for our height, age & you can be labelled obese.... The reality here is extra weight puts a strain on our heart, pancreas, liver , joints as well as a negative impact on our minds .. Only we can make the changes we need that's why we are on this weight loss forum. We know what we have to do so don't blame the NHS for being honest about the negative consequences of being overweight... Let's all raise our game together, focus on being lighter, healthy , happier people ... Good luck you can turn your health around by making the right choices for you 👍

ceejayblue profile image
ceejayblue in reply to Loseweightnow

So agree with you Loseweightnow. I watched the programme last night and it was good that the people managed to put their diabetes in remission with the bariatric surgery but that in itself has side effects and complications.

I'm overweight, but my blood glucose levels are now into the pre-diabetic range and going down, even though my weight loss is really slow. At the end of the day no matter what anyone says, we are all responsible for what goes into our mouths and how and when we exercise. I love all the naughty things and I still have them but in far less quantities than I used to do. I now eat off a side plate, cut back on carbs (to help my diabetes in the first instance and help weightloss). I did the Xpert Health course for diabetics, I went to physio for my knees and learned how to strengthen my muscles to help support them because I want to avoid having a knee operation. It was my choice to put the wrong things into my mouth and not to exercise, I am now slowly turning that around. Years ago I was offered bariatric surgery because I have sleep apnoea but I refused it, (my OSA is hereditary not just due to weight) and I would still refuse it now. I want to enjoy my food and learning how to eat mindfully is certainly helping that. I read the books by Debbie Flint - Till the Fat Lady Slims and they show you how to learn to eat only when hungry and to stop when satisfied not full. You don't have to eat everything on your plate, its ok to leave some ;)

JaySeeSkinny profile image

Hi Janet, on another note please take your diabetes seriously. Carbohydrates will trigger high glucose levels, and in the medium term, if you don't get those levels down you will do yourself real harm. The consequences are not nice! Just stopping your medication is not a good idea! I'm sure there is information on the internet which will explain it all to you.

Good luck with your weight journey (bringing down your weight will help your diabetes) and well done on doing all that walking with dodgy joints!

RG07 profile image

Does your surgery not have a diabetic nurse? If not ask your GP to refer you to the Diabetic Nurse at your local hospital. There are also community dieticians who your GP can refer you to for advice on diet.

2stoneup profile image

Please talk to a doctor. Don't just stop taking the gliclazide. It's important. The testing strips can be got on prescription and as you're diabetic, prescriptions are free if you get a medical exemption form sent off. Hope you get the help you need.

No one is scum, overweight or not! But I think it is good that the NHS is trying to make us see what we are doing to ourselves. My father had diabetes, and having seen what it did to him, I am driven to lose weight. It has made me realise what I am doing to my health.

My daughter was extremely overweight for some years, too. And she had a lot of associated health problems, as you can imagine. She has now lost seven stone over two years.

To help me lose weight, I have to recognise that it took me ten years to get this overweight, and it's going to take some time to get to a normal weight again. But hopefully not ten years! I'm aiming for one year, if I can. I do fall off the wagon regularly, but I also then just get back on again. So, don't be hard on yourself, and stick at it, even if there are a few blips along the way. You'll get there, honest!

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to

Good advice there for you Janet17 😊

Penel profile image

Sorry to hear you are having a tough time. This TV program was not very encouraging, but there have been other programs which were far more helpful for individuals. This article from a newspaper describes how a doctor successfully helped a family with health problems, including diabetes, by changing what they ate.

If you google the doctor mentioned you will found he gives more detail on combating diabetes, hopefully this might be of help.

yorkshire_lass profile image

I watched this programme, it made me angry and sad. The points the presenter made to the GPs and service commissioners at the end demonstrated that obese people have a huge battle on their hands to lose weight, partly down to our hormonal reactions to food, which are, of course, completely beyond the control of 'willpower'.

Her view was that anyone (like me) who has been refused an essential operation down to being obese, should be given bariatric surgery, which apparently immediately affects the production of the hormone ghrelin which makes us hungry. But I wouldn't want the op - I don't think only being able to eat very small amounts of mashed up food is a long term solution. However, her basic point was that being very overweight is a health condition that's deserving of NHS support, but the services that help obese people address their weight (3rd tier services?) are being cut and rationed, and I agree with this. I think most of us would find it easier with 1:1 support, free gym sessions aimed at overweight people etc. Online support *is* useful though!

Fitforit75 profile image
Fitforit75 in reply to yorkshire_lass

Hi Yorkshirelass, I know Yorkshire is a big place, but I'm in Bradford, and there's a program via gp referral called BEEP - thought it was worth a mention in case you fell into the catchment.. :)

HubbysMissMouse profile image

I can slightly understand with the NHS not giving surgery to things that are caused to overweight people because of sugary things/weight issues etc but things that people have problems with that are not affected by your weight I cannot understand why they don't do them. I am unable to have children which I have been told could be because of my epilepsy medication, but I am not allowed ivf because I am over the bmi. What do epilepsy or having children got to do with your weight. People that are any size can have children so why can't I. It is not my fault I even have either of those problems.

IndigoBlue61 profile image
IndigoBlue61 in reply to HubbysMissMouse

Can I copy and paste this into the other thread HubbysMissMouse as I don't want to clog up janet17s post 😊

It makes me furious how you have been treated!!!! 😡

HubbysMissMouse profile image
HubbysMissMouse in reply to IndigoBlue61

Yes by all means

ceejayblue profile image

As you have only recently been diagnosed as T2 and you are on gliclacide I imagine your levels are quite high. I understand the fear of having a hypo whilst out but you should always keep something with you to bring your levels back up - 5 jelly babies has just the right amount of carbs to help you come up or keep glucose tablets in your bag. Whatever, don't stop taking your meds without medical advice, the complications of diabetes are well recorded and stopping meds is not advised.

As you are on gliclacide you should be being prescribed strips and a monitor but you don't need to continually test unless your diabetic team advise it - usually only before or 2 hrs after a meal. I think you should speak to your diabetic team about getting on to a diabetic educational course like the one - you can refer yourself but your team should have details too. Also, the website is excellent with lots of advice and help and educational tools to help you cope with the diabetes. There are also groups on facebook, as well as on healthunlocked.

Carbs are the downfall for diabetics, however, although a lot of people recommend the low carb high fat (LCHF) diet, it doesn't work for everyone. It doesn't work for me but I do still eat less carbs and try to aim to 50g per meal with 45g per day for treats or snacks if needed. It isn't easy, but you have to try to understand that by controlling your diet you will control your levels and lose weight which will enable you to exercise more but at least doing the 10k steps is a start and I would also say if you have knee and hip problems that you could speak to your GP about a referral to the physio and ask them if they do the Knee Escape programme. I did this last year (I have bad knees), its a 6 week twice weekly for an hour a time educational session including 45 mins of exercise aimed specifically at knee problems. I found it really useful.

Don't feel alone there are people and organisations out there to help you but, you must help yourself by keeping on with the gliclacide and learning to eat less carbs and what they do to our bodies. Good luck.

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