Have had several pairs of jeans in my drawer for a couple of years - those ones you keep because you hope you'll get into them one day. I thought I'd try mine on on in the week, and they all fit! No need even to lie on the bed with a hanger in the zip to do them up!!! Was completely gobsmacked. So I guess I'm officially an 18 now. Hubby and I went out for our anniversary last night, and (I hope this doesn't sound wrong, it's really not meant to) but I felt normal. It's given me the motivation to carry on, as I can't imagine how excited I'll get when I can fit in a 16. Will need to go shopping then!!! I still have 4 stone to lose but I'm more positive about reaching my goal now.
Down a size!: Have had several pairs of... - Weight Loss Support
Down a size!
That's a great achievement, well done and its great you have the motivation to keep going.
Thank you!
Well done you!👍 It's a fantastic achievement moving down a dress size. I know what ŷou mean feeling normal, for me when I was bigger I felt like I stood out, probably didn't of course but it's your perception of yourself. Now as I am loosing weight I feel more like I just blend in.
Enjoy the feeling of success as you are earning it.😊👍
Those 16's will be yours very soon⭐
That's it, exactly. I don't feel people are looking and judging me any more ( which they probably weren't). It's all in our head, unfortunately that can affect a lot.

It affects you greatly, mine is also finding the confidence to go swimming again it's been years and I have actually bought a new swimsuit 6 weeks ago but still haven't got the confidence to go to the pool, it's a mind thing, one I guess it's just be brave and go. Weight is more in depth it's how we have been treated as a larger person, what was installed in our heads as we grew up if we were a chubby child etc. For me I never felt as good, as pretty, as worthy as others may have felt, but we can change this around and keeping on track even when the things get tough and weight loss gets slower helps keep our mindset for motivation and eventually meet our goals achievable.
That's exactly how I used to feel. Food was always a comfort, and a reward (good report, birthday) so food has always been more than just fuel to my body. Swimming is hard. We went to menorca 3 years ago, I knew if I didn't get straight in that pool I'd work myself up into a tizz. So within 10 mins me and my daughter were in there, pasty old white legged me, my husband couldn't believe it. We had an amazing time, I have to stop worrying about other people or I'm going to miss out so much.

You hit the nail on the head it's worrying about other people's perception of us that actually stops us living our lives as we would want to.
I am not political but a party whoever it was had the phrase "Time for Change" that's what we should do ignore everyone else and make the change ourselves.
well done.. i also have 4 stone still to lose but yesterday tried clothes on that were tight before and they fit me ! its so nice to feel normal isnt it and i know exactly how you feell... my next aim is to get into some size 16 next skinny fit jeans that a friend gave me when i told her i was in a size 16 now ! ..... i can get the zip up and they are fine on my legs but to get the button done up is a bit too far yet...
good luck with getting the rest of your weight off and getting into the 16's
Well done Claz, that button will soon be done up!
That's fantastic! Well done! I have two black bags full of clothes ready for when I loose my weight. X
Well done keep up the great work 👍👍👍
That's fantastic well done, it's a wonderful feeling and no it doesn't sound wrong, I felt everyone was looking at me when I was at my biggest, they probably wasn't 😆 you'll be in the 16's before you know it, keep going your doing wonderful xx
What a great feeling to be able to fit those jeans!!!!!