I have been inspired by Ruby8 who has just posted another one of moreless 's fabulous poems. Hidden has added a great one which struck a cord whilst making me laugh.
Here is my own one I have just made up:
I want to be slimmer it's time for me
To be the best that I can be
Fed up of being fat and stared at on the plane
I am now the one only choosing a main
Saying no to the chips, pasta and bread
If only I can stay motivated in my head
The forum is great, everyone is kind
They know what's going on in my mind
We have all been there staring at the packet
Knowing it will make the buttons pop on our jacket
A little, then a lot, another day is blown
How did it happen?... I will moan!
Give us strength, give us a lifeline
We can do it this time
By summer I could have lost nearly 9!
Good luck to you, good luck to us
Now let's all stay on the healthy lifestyle bus!
(Never written a poem before - let's hear yours! )😁