me. My levels of sugar are high. The doctor said I might have to go back on diabetic meds. I hope not.
no words in the post. I am binging on ... - Weight Loss Support
no words in the post. I am binging on my second day. and cannot stop and scared to step on the scales and evaluate the damage. Pl ease help

Sorry to hear this. Why are you doing it? Why have you got temptation near you? If you need to have stuff in your house for others then get them to hide it from you, don't buy stuff if you don't have to. You perhaps need to go cold turkey go get your levels sorted, remember even fake sugars make your blood sugar go high and keep you wanting sweet stuff. Good luck. Start again now!
Think about it Wadestreet, this isn't what you want, you know it isn't. Stay calm, breath deeply and delve back to the determination you had. You have to decide what is more important, no meds or eating things that are not good for you.
Check out the times of day when you are vulnerable to eating the wrong things and make sure you have a plan to deal with it - organise healthy snacks, have a bath, write a letter to yourself giving you the reasons why you don't want to sabotage your health, then walk to the most box, the one further from your house and post it to yourself - you know you are worth more than some sweet gunk.
Keep being involved with the forum, reply to other people, encourage them and the positivity will rebound to you.
Take care and stay on the journey.

Get whatever you like binging on out of the house. No one in your house needs those foods so just get rid of them. Don't walk down those aisles in the supermarket. Send someone else to pay for the petrol in the garage.
It is much easier to resist for a few minutes buying the wrong things than it is to have them in the house (or car or handbag) and then try to resist 24/7. Be kind to yourself and just don't have the demons anywhere near you.
(Been there, done that, got the t shirt - can you tell?)

Today is a new day. Breathe deep. Start afresh. Everyone has bumpsin the road. IIt's okay.
Aww hun - hope today is a better day for you, come on back to the calorie counting / weighing and low sugar foods today
You can do this x x x

Don't be so hard on yourself Wadestreet. We all have days when we crave the wrong foods and give in to our cravings. Put those days behind you and get back to what you were doing when you lost 7lb to get your badge.
You CAN stop - just chuck out all the bad stuff. You know you can do it and get back to where you were when you lost 7lbs. My reason for being on this site is because my mam had type 2 diabetes and I was going the same way at the same age. We have to be really strong to resist - it is an illness that we can control. Keep us up to date with your posts and you will feel all the love and positive vibes coming your way. New day, new you and good luck for the weekend! xx