Well my first day has had its ups and downs I made great healthy meal choices but let myself down on the snacks! My mind fights me all day long and just when I think it's going great I eat something I really shouldn't I just wish I could be more strict with myself.
First day: Well my first day has had its... - Weight Loss Support
First day
Well done for starting to think about your meals. Planning what to eat really does help. Do you need snacks around you? I find it better to not buy stuff or if you buy it for someone else either tell yourself it's not your cupboard or get them to hide it.
Hi Carlyjohnson, don't be too down. What you're trying to achieve is a change in your lifestyle and that isn't a battle that is won in a single day. I suspect there are few if any people here that haven't had bad days and then some (I include myself).
Something that has helped me from day one is to track my calorie intake on a calorie by calorie basis. That is, as I ate something I added it into my calorie total for the day. I found that it helped to keep me focused as my calories climbed towards my daily limit.
I'm only saying what is currently working for me, I'm sure other people have other methods that have helped them.
Stay strong and good luck!
I really appreciate all the advice and help, I'm on here because I can't do it alone and reading all the replies keeps me motivated and let me know I'm not alone
Do you eat full fat Greek yogurt as part of your diet ? Just wanted to check it won't spike my insulin. Thanks
Making changes to the way we eat takes time, be kind to yourself, take each day one at a time ☺ We all have different ways of doing things, some people are all or nothing, others prefer a gentle step by step approach. Find YOUR way, a way of eating and exercising that suits you and your lifestyle, ☺
Best wishes