Hi there, I should know by now at my age and being in the health profession but, my bowels have suddenly become so sluggish. They haven't stopped completely as I have "bowel sounds" I drink litres of water per day but I have increased my fibre intake through eating fruit and veg. I am steering clear of bread and pasta. Any ideas?
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Very brave! Here's my suggestions.
Tummy tea, basically any herbal blend containing fennel. Twinings do one, they have it in tesco.
Dried figs. High in fruit sugar so just a couple, after dinner with aforementioned tea is good.
Exercise. An early morning run followed by a hot bath will help for sure! Or whatever your chosen form of exercise is
Also, patience. Your body is probably adjusting to a completely different set of food groups if you've changed things quite suddenly (our bodies tend to think of any change as sudden!)
If we can't discuss things like this on here, anonymously, then where can we But, seriously, if none of the above helps, consider an appointment with your local friendly nurse practitioner or similar

Thanks for your reply. I have only recently started using my exercise bike in the morning (5k) and today I went on a long walk (1 1/2 hrs) and I plan to make exercise more of a daily thing. I will try a decent fennel tea ( with anything to disguise the taste.
I found this link for Annabelle below m.tesco.com/h5/groceries/r/... but feel free to explore other varieties Hope something works soon. 5k cycling and 1.5 hr walking sounds like decent exercise to me!
You're not on your own! Not a subject we should be afraid of though. I've had this conversation with a friend a few times when we have started to 'diet'. Just takes time to adjust unfortunately.
I always find when I eat healthily that my bowels are far more sluggish than if I eat rubbish particularly in my case if that rubbish is high in fats as I had my gall bladder removed 13 years ago - I eat plenty of fibre and drink lots of water but have yet to find a really good solution to this - interested to read Hidden 's suggestion of fennel tea and she's right exercise does help to get things moving - I just put it down to my bowels being very lazy from fatty rubbish slithering through them easily and they then have to retrain for the hard work of moving something substantial
The fennel tea was originally recommended to me by a gynaecologist when I was being checked out for digestive issues/poss endometriosis. As a result of generally abusing my digestive system too But be warned straight fennel tea is pretty bad, like insipid soup. I recommend investing in a slightly more expensive but expertly blended mix containing (and masking) fennel e.g. the twinings one

Thanks for that - do you know does it have a title - some of them are given fancy names or do you have a picture of the packet please
I think it's called Digestive. It's green

Brilliant thanks - I will look out for that and give it a go

You're a star - thank you

I quite like it! Sometimes different brands help
Yikes, I loooove fennel tea π never did anything to my digestion though π
Finely grated apple in your breakfast and linseed/ flaxseed can help, too. A lot of German bread contains linseed, my husband wasn't used to eating π
Haha! Maybe the one I got was particularly bad! It was so horrible though. Shows how different our tastes can all be perhaps...
In Germany older babies get fennel tea to aid digestion, and I like Ouzo and Pernod - a connection maybe ππ
I could definitely drink ouzo and Pernod every day (in the interest of bowel health obvs )
I manage most aniseedy things, love fennel as a vegetable both raw and cooked, and I like liquorice tea. Just don't like tea that tastes too much like soup ha! Interesting that german babies get given fennel tea... maybe you need to get a taste for it at an early age

Fennel tea turns my face inside out I do try to drink it but ewww
I agree with the tummy tea suggestion, as long as you haven't anything like IBS (I do and certain teas can be too strong!)
I also agree with what the others have been saying about the change in diet can back things up for a bit. Sometimes doing extra exercise or going for a long walk can help as well, just something I notice.
It can be a sign of menopause, normally comes with an additional helping of bloating and gas too!
It always throws me, exercise always help and plenty of fluids, be patient!
Hadn't thought of that. I will just have to be patient like you said. I'm not uncomfortable or anything.
Its awful when you're eating well and feeling sluggish :/ definitely walking and jogging should get things moving so to speak
I've found exercise definately make me 'go' without fail.... and beetroot juice helps to get things moving for me too !
Prunes always sort me out, 6 in the morning and 6 at night, can take a day or two to work. Ginger tea can also be useful.
When you change the food you eat, your gut bacteria takes time to readjust. Have a read of "Gut" by Guila Enders for an informative read on the best foods to eat and how your gut works.
Good digestive health is so important π
I hope some of the suggestions work for you.
Linseeds are helpful too, but failing that a gentke laxative might be needed.
Good luck
I share your pain xxx i have found i have upped my walking with the dog and bingo Xxx
A bowl of All Bran every day for breakfast will help get things moving!
Also, if you are sticking to your diet, maybe the change of diet has caused a temporary blip and normal service will be resumed once your bowels are used to the new regime?
The other thing to consider is that it's not always the case that you need to "go" every day, as long as when you go it's not difficult or painful.
Hi Nessie
My bowel went awol a few years ago, post hysterectomy surgery. The constipation was more uncomfortable than the op itself and I wasn't able to help myself with exercise at the time lol! My sister suggested and bought me Acidophilus from a health food store and it worked wonders. It has a combination of good bacteria's which help to maintain a healthy gut and aid digestion. Hope you soon find something that works for you.
Best wishes J