From my weight loss journey, I've personally found that the most stressful thing about it all has been the conflicting information churned out by different segments of the weight loss community, world, or whatever you call it.
I'm not talking about this forum. In fact, here is the only place where I find comfort in what I'm doing. It's information from outside of this forum that is driving my mind into a constant state of confusion and worry regarding my weight loss methods.
• There are those insisting that they can eat all the carbohydrates they like, and that meat products, especially fatty meats and dairy, are what inhibits weight loss. Not going to lie, I'm referring to vegans.
• Then there are those on low carb/ketogenic diets. This diet temps me the most. I've seen stories of people claiming to have dropped 20lbs in a month. But, I'm wondering whether this is because they cut out the carbs, or is it because of significant, unintended calorie reduction.
I'm certain that it does help those with insulin resistance to lose weight. I'm somewhat aware that carbohydrates are converted into sugar (?), then are stored as fat if not burned off. Again, (?).
But, I don't know. Do these dramatic weight loss stories sound 'right' to you?
The only thing I find to be consistent in all these diets is to cut down on sugar, take in all your nutrients, especially proteins it seems. Eat more vegetables.
Then there's exercise…
As a morbidly obese person, I find it very hard to do certain exercises. My options are very limited. Some say that cardio is useless, others say it's good for burning fat. While many say muscle training is best, there's those that say it doesn't burn as many calories as cardio.
I think I'll stick to my diet for now, but I'm very confused.
Oh, and let me add, there are those claiming that starvation mode does not exist, even though a 2017 university study claims to prove that it does.