I thought I should break the news to you all. There is a crisis! Whatever can we use to replace our courgetti?
Courgette crisis!: I thought I should... - Weight Loss Support
Courgette crisis!

I substitute shredded boiled cabbage for pasta - works well for me
Take a look around your supermarket or greengrocer. There are lots of seasonal vegetables out there that didn't have to be imported from Southern Europe. Think of it as a way to reduce the carbon footprint of your meals.
Don't worry - I was mostly being dramatic although it's January, so I suppose the options are basically cabbage or potatoes
I'm a big fan of courgettes though, so a bit sad they'll be in short supply (as well as peppers and lettuce).
I like courgettes, too. Mum used to sautee them, sliced, with garlic. That was back in the days when I was my ideal weight.
I'll have to see if Hubby will eat them - when they're a reasonable price again!
Can you still get marrows? They are pretty similar. Love them stuffed 🤗
Winter squash is awesome too! Look at a local veg box delivery service and see what they have in that week's boxes and you'll get an idea of what's availabile locally, even if you don't buy from them. This way you know what's likely produced locally, the rest is very likely imported.
I like your thinking. The whole fun of seasons is that you get to look forward to things. I don't eat strawbs, courgettes and asparagus all year round and I enjoy them all the more when they are season. Winter hearty soups and cassoulet, summer salads, fresh raw fruits and veg crudités. Yummy.

OH NO!!! I'm going into a deep decline now!
I had a glut of them last summer from my veg plot so made lots of courgette Soup & froze still working my through it lol . Won't be long before planting this years seeds 😀