New to this!: Hi all, I'm posting on... - Weight Loss Support

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Lollypop01 profile image
33 Replies

Hi all,

I'm posting on here, as I've reached crisis point, like so many other people on here. I've tried everything, on and off, and now I'm the heaviest I've ever been in my whole life. I'm a secondary teacher, so have a very stressful job, which has a huge effect on my emotions, and as an emotional eater, this has combined to be a bit of a deadly combination, particularly over the last 18 months. I've finally got to the point where I've had enough!

I've just recently started the Couch to 5K app, and in doing so, have opened up the NHS Choices website which I didn't realise had so much to help me lose weight! I'm starting with calorie counting tomorrow, and will be joining the Weekly Weigh in on here on Monday hopefully!

I'm going to need all the support you guys have to offer, as I've got about 5 stone to lose! We can do it!!

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Lollypop01 profile image
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33 Replies
Claude-1234 profile image

Hi welcome :) really good luck to you. It can only get better from here x

sueper profile image

Welcome & good luck. This is a fab place for inspiration, advice and support :)

Nic2ie profile image

Best of luck Lollypop you'll get plenty of support and good advice on here 😃

28111956 profile image

Well done for starting , it took me a few weeks to get to grips with the sites but your right it's all there so I found I AV to get in to it so it can give me maximum effect , one by one I cut and pasted the results of the cal counter so have ten sheets printed off , I find I AV to sit down every day or night and make a plan of what I am going to eat and record it but AV say more than I am going to eat so then I simply tick off what I AV had and as the cals are already wryymten down its easy , u can drink too but of course factor the cals in so all good , I down loaded the recipes and did some pre cooking so AV choices ready to pdr deist and heat up and why does that help good luck and weigh your self each day to boast your confident ! Do not give in to shit food as u actually do feel better in yourself after a few days both my children are reaches my daughter struggles my son got it Sussed about 3 years ago and kept on top of his weight ever since , exercise ? That is only 2o% of it so I AV built up my walking slowly however the 5k is my target this week along with swimming

175zqu132 profile image

Hi you have started so it can only go one way up good luck

ken1 profile image

Hi Lollipop01. Well done for starting C25K and watching what you eat! These things are the start of a great journey. I started doing these things 4 years ago, and I have never looked back. When I started I was 3 stone overweight and could not run a minute without being out of breath. After 9 weeks of C25k I ran 5 kilometres non-stop! I now regularly run 5k, and have completed a half marathon. If I can do it then there is hope for anyone. I lost 2 stone and I feel a lot better about myself.

You can do it! Keep on running!

fussybird profile image

Hi Lollypop, I've been on here before, and wandered off to try the body coach, and now I'm back, several £s lighter than the few lbs I lost on that plan, but that's another story.

Counting calories and planning ahead is the only way forward, and I feel better now I'm doing it this way again. It's one day at a time and I know how you feel as an emotional eater, any of my emotions find me searching the cupboards!

I have found weighing all of my food stops me under-estimating portion sizes too, that's when the scales show a loss each week, every lb is a step in the right direction. This becomes self-perpetuating after a few weeks, and if there is a blip, put it behind you and back on the right track the next day.

This site is very supportive and helpful, I'll be back on as I've missed it. Stay in touch here and you'll be okay, it's the perfect distraction when temptation rears its head.

Good luck x

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi Lollypop01,

Welcome to the forum, and I hope you'll enjoy being part of this community. Great to hear you've already read some of the NHS Choices literature - and that you're intending to join us in the Monday group weigh-in.

Have you seen the Welcome Newbie pack, that Moreless has collated? If not, it's also worth a look:

Hope you have a great weekend, and wishing you success with your weight loss journey.

Lowcal :-)

Hi welcome. You will get lots of support and understanding. I used to be a teacher myself. I know it can be shocking for your health. Join in and things will get better.

Roseanna04 profile image


Were all with you x

Sprout15 profile image

Hi. Good luck with your weight loss journey. This is the time and place to do it ready for a slimmer you in 2016.

I was an emotional eater too but I realised that dairy milk was never going to solve any of my problems. I now tell people what I think instead of bottling up my emotions and it has helped. Instead of reaching for the biscuit tin or gin bottle I have a bath, light some candles, go for a walk etc and I feel better.

Morning! Found this site this morning and I'm also a secondary school teacher. 😉 I had a fitness band at Christmas and can't believe how little I do at work. I've had a really bad half term with sickness bugs being passed from my little boy to myself and my husband and round and round again I was also feeling incredibly low and then we got the ofsted call! I was so determined that this would be our year but it's not got off to the best start so hoping for a do-over. I've been doing the c25k app and I'm on week 4 plus I've signed up for a 5k race for life in June. I really need to sort my diet out as it's terrible, especially as I've read that exercise is only a 20% factor of your weight loss. My excuse is always time but I've come to the realisation that I need to make time and see it as investment in myself. Will be weighing in on Monday. Going have a poke around this site see what I can find. Xx

fussybird profile image
fussybird in reply to

Hi Billingsh,

Planning ahead is they key, its sometimes boring, and a a bit adult, but even I have to admit it ultimately saves time, money and stress.

I make a list of the dinners we'll have for 3 or 4 weeks, in no particular order, then make my shopping list from this. Have a couple of cooking sessions and freeze meals ready to be left out to defrost in the morning (although food hygiene says defrost in the freezer), and you just need to reheat at dinner time, and add rice/pasta/spaghetti etc. The other saviour for the working mum is the slow cooker, chuck your ingredients early in the morning, cook on low all day and its ready when you get home. Good for casseroles, pulled meats, meatballs, curry, etc. I've saved loads of money cooking like this when I had a huge drop in income, and now I'm earning decent money again have continued to cook like this, and love it. I just have to weigh my portions now x

fussybird profile image
fussybird in reply to fussybird

defrost in the FRIDGE lol

in reply to fussybird

I do have a slow cooker and want try to use it more if I can. Xx

Lollypop01 profile image
Lollypop01 in reply to

Hi Billingsh. I know exactly where you're coming from, I've been on a programme this half term, three observations in 5 weeks, writing out lesson plans for all KS4 lessons, and drop ins. Nightmare. However, there's always something, and I will just keep getting bigger and bigger if I don't say STOP! It is so hard but we have to make some time! X

in reply to Lollypop01

Sounds rough! I've been reading up about meditation and a blog about a woman who always stopped meditating when she was too busy or ill until she realised that's when she needed it the most. Going to try to put the same idea into going running and trying to eat better, the more stressed or busy or run down I feel, the more important it is to keep it up. X

steveph profile image

You can do it! Just keep on posting here and you'll have lots of support. Good luck

historylady profile image

Hi, I started this week too. I have about the same weight to lose so we can do this together. We've got all the information we need and lots of support. Good luck!

debbieduck profile image

Hi Lollypop Welcome to the site, I too am a newbie and I'm currently on week one. You've taken the first step and that's good I've found the support very helpful so we can all support each other. Good look and see you at the weigh in on Monday.

Linda_Bee profile image
Linda_Bee2 stone

Hi Lollipop01

I've always believed that wanting to lose weight and healthy eating are as much as what's in your head as what you put in your mouth. If you get your head in the right place then the rest will follow. I'm one of those people that loves veg, salads, fruit etc. but if I feel low, for some inexplicable reason I'll eat cake, when I would much prefer an apple! Crazy! I started a diet in the new year (like millions of others) but it took me 6 weeks to lose 4 lbs. I found this forum and my motivation soared and I lost 3 lbs in the first week. I know it will slow down, but I am prepared for that and feel much more positive about the whole thing, knowing there are thousands out there just like me, facing the same battle. You've taken the first step - you can do it - we both can. Onwards and upwards! Good luck.

prawncess profile image

hi, and welcome, enjoy your new lifestyle.

Carol08 profile image

Hi no stress is my advice.

Because the stress block your system you can't do anything .

I had the same problem' I cut sugar and carbes ,milk cheese and yogurt.

Eat only salad and protein,it works!!!

Brian216 profile image

Hi welcome good luck on your weight loss journey.wishing you a good week ahead

TheHud profile image

I am in my first week and shall weigh in on monday. I think I am being a bit controversial but its working, I am not hungry and am actually enjoying eating. Of course I will be changing this plan i am on after a couple of stone gone, but I need that loss to help me exercise, health issues. This is the first time I have actually lost more than 1lb a week and this site is so important, it keeps you motivated just watching and posting. Having put myself out there with a fast loss programme (low fat, low carb, low cal), I have to keep it up ;)

Another 1lb gone today, 5 days of full dieting and just short of 7lb gone. When I moved from the 15's to the 14's I turned the 70s music on and the dog and I had a little disco of our own ;)

Well done, you have taken control. You can do it. I have 4 stone to loose. For me, I discovered that what I ate, how much and when was largely a habit. I'm gradually breaking those old habits and replacing them with the new. This is my 5th week and I've seldom been hungry or tired. The weight is coming off at roughly 2lb/week. I've been going to the gym every week (another new habit) and I do feel fitter for it. Welcome aboard.

Nelliecat4 profile image

Good luck in your journey :) This is a really supportive forum with lots of helpful folk on it!

Marianne0915 profile image

Welcome, this is a great place for support and confidence building. you have taken that first step so it can only get better. Best Wishes

jimshe profile image

Hi I don't have a lot to lose but am on steroids all ready got moon face. Can also feeling it round middle . I have eventually got the right head on I am also starting again today . But with all the help from everyone ..Will give me the kick up the backside which I need good luck to us all .I am thinking of all the lovely clothes for summer good weather getting out and about keep going every one ..sheila

slimsue profile image

welcome, you have took the hardest step, you just gotta keep taking them now xx

Venusflytrap profile image

Hi Lollypop, and welcome.

I know where you are coming from, I have lost 5st to get nearly to goal, so it is doable. The first thing is to stop rewarding and consoling yourself with food. Plan some other treats and consolations. It could be a long bath in peace, a read of a favourite magazine, time to paint your nails or a face pack. It has to be something for you.

My best hint is to increase the fruit and veg within your meals. This fills you up, and you are less likely to fall into temptations if you already feel full. Just aim for a loss every week. I lost a lot of my weight in "happy halves". Every loss adds up and eventually you reach the total you want.

See you around on the site and hope your first weigh in goes well


Linda15to11 profile image

hi lollipop welcome to the group. I started in January ...similar to you at my heaviest ever after a stressful job for seven and a half years...landlady and headchef of village pub. also look after my mum in law who is 92, nearly blind and has dementia. I too turn to food for comfort and I have 4 to 4.5 stone to lose. since jan I have lost 10ilbs. quite slow as my crosstrainer broke and I bought a rowing machine and found an old post op problem means I cant use it. now buying an exercise bike. The calorie counting and healthier choices have made me feel better all round and after years of yoyo dieting....I've tried them all. this way seems to work as its gentle but effective if you are patient. Basically its that ole devil will power but theres bags of support here. looking forward to seeing how you get on. Good luck! Linda

Sorenlorensen90 profile image

Welcome lollipop xx

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