I weigh 19 stones, and I would love to be 6 stones lighter. I think my body is capable of kicking it out the park (with time) it's my head that won't be convinced. I think my head overthinks and has too many tabs open because there is so much to do to be where I would like to be. How can I help discourage this way of thinking? Do I set one goal at a time? Is it true that going slow is better than not moving at all? I'm quite impatient, I really want to move forward and reach a place of happiness and healthiness within my mind and body. Some guidence would be lovely! Thanks for reading.
How do i overcome these personal chall... - Weight Loss Support
How do i overcome these personal challenges?

Hey there. I am glad you have come to this forum, welcome! I think we can help you!
I think you hit the nail on the head when you ask if you should set one goal at a time. I think that is a good approach. I was almost 18 stone when I joined here last August, now I am 16 stone something. Maybe set yourself a goal to just lose half a stone by the end of February for example? Perhaps it would help to keep a food diary, or just make a few small changes to start with.
I don't know if you have had a chance to look around the site? There is an area of pinned posts to the right of the screen, and you will see a special post for newbies which has helpful advice.
Posting on here and reading and joining in is fun and really helpful. I am sure more people will be along to offer their support and encouragement. Take a deep breath or two, relax, and be kind to yourself. As soon as you see the number on the scales going down, you will start to feel empowered and better. Slow and steady wins the day!
Hi here Kirsty, I agree with Ruby in setting one goal at a time and to aim to lose 7lbs by the end of Feb is do-able. My end goal seems so far away (lose just under 9 stone) but setting myself small targets make it seem do-able. Good luck, and you are definitely on the right site for inspiration
Hi every 1lb off is better than 1lb on. Slow and steady good luck aim for 1-2lb a week good luck.
Set mini targets - your first one could be lose half a stone, then maybe go down a dress size - often looking at the big picture is so daunting, we all love quick fixes but baby steps are achievable and they all add up

Hello there.... nice to meet you 🙂 I know about impatience ! You eat healthily for 1 day and want all the excess weight gone ; it's only right isn't it, after 1 whole day ..... except it's not going to happen. We can't get around the fact it takes time; but..... there are things you can do to speed it up..... exercise ( yuk ! ) I don't like it , never will, but I do 30 mins a day because it helps with weight loss & improves my fitness which at 51 I've only recently started to take a bit more seriously .... so. Happiness ? You don't get to be happy when you get to your idea, weight/ dress size, work on that now ! Be happy and content that your doing something so very positive and beneficial to your health my love... you don't have to wait to be happier ..... I've still got 5 stone to go but because I've lost 3 and am wearing smaller sized clothes etc. Etc. Etc. and feeling really good about myself, I'm happy , right now.... give yourself every chance to succeed, go easy in the beginning regarding food choices & ( or not ) exercise to ease yourself into your new lifestyle , and when you feel ready to up your game a bit that's the time to do it.... you sound really positive that's so good to hear ! Let me know how you are getting on.... bestest wishes, Trier
Hello Kirsty1 Welcome to the Weight Loss Forum
You have some great responses there from fabulous members of the forum ☺ Like Ruby8 suggests have a good look around the forum especially the Newbies post (in the Pinned Posts section to the right of your screen (bottom if you're using a mobile) and also the links to the NHS 12 week plan weight loss plan. This is an excellent plan with weekly email support.
The forum has weigh in threads on 6 days of the week that you are welcome to join, as well as regular challenges and progress 'badges' including a 'Newbie' one for when you first join the forum. Please ask if you would like one ☺
Don't forget to take your initial measurements and photographs as it's a great way of seeing just how far you've come, especially when the scales aren't co-operating.😕
We are a very friendly group so please ask if you have any questions
Best wishes
Completely agree with ruby8.☺☺☺I did the same sat myself little goals.never thought will work but here I'm almost a stone lighter.😉😉😉