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Weight Loss Support

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Hello to you all!

My name is Sarah and I have a lot of weight to lose. I know I'm not alone in that after reading the posts on here, and I really need some moral support. I feel totally out of control around food, and just eat far too much of all the things that are no good for me!

I want to do Veganuary this year. I figure that if I have to abstain completely I might finally break this cycle - fingers crossed anyway. 😊 Will join the weight in thread on the 2nd Jan I think and am using the time in the interim to check out meals, etc...

Looking forward to it in one way, and am hoping that being able to post here will make a difference to my motivation levels! 😊

Thanks all! 😊

9 Replies

Welcome to the forum and I hope you achieve you goals. I think veganuary is a good idea; by the way I am an aspiring vegan (food wise 100% sorted, hardly a problem and products I use on myself and home etc I'm getting there - hence 'aspiring vegan'!!!) I have no regrets becoming vegan, one of the best things I have ever done. :D Once again, good luck!

Sazkia β™₯

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi Sarah,

Welcome to the Weight Loss NhS forum. Great that you're doing Veganuary this year - and I hope it goes well. Here is a link page from NHS Choices about 'Vegan foods' that you might find helpful:


As you can see Hidden is an enthusiastic and 'aspiring vegan' - I hope you'll enjoy being part of the forum, and I'd also recommend having a look at our Welcome Newbie post, which is in the Pinned posts area - right-hand-side of the forum, or at the bottom of your screen if you're accessing via a mobile device.

Do join in with any of the Challenges you like the look of in the forum, they are also detailed in the Pinned posts, and we have a Monday group weigh-in, which is going on today, so do pop in if you want to see what's going on in there, and participate - it's open till 18 00 on Friday 23rd December for Late Weighers as well.

Enjoy your week.

Lowcal :-)

Bigmama99 profile image

good luck with starting your weight loss journey in the new year x

hi and welcome to the forum - wishing you all the best on your weight loss journey

I started end of Aug and going to try and be sensible over the festive season

I found it hard to start with but weighing and counting calories has already started to become the norm

wishing you all the best x x

benwl profile image

Hi Sarah,

Welcome to the forum! I'd like to echo what Sazkia said about being vegan. I've been vegetarian for about 20 years, and 2 years ago made the switch to being a dietry vegan (apart from the odd lapse of ice cream and cake!) and it's one of the best decisions I've made.

Incidentally the term "plant based" is being increasingly used to describe a vegan diet without the slightly hippyish vibe that vegan has and without putting off people who feel they have to adopt the whole vegan lifestyle.

PippiRuns profile image
PippiRuns3kgRestart Nov 2023

Welcome Sarah. I am a pesco-ovo-lacto vegetarian meaning I also eat fish, eggs and dairy. That has been my diet for 27 years and I have never felt deprived as I really don't like meat. I eat fish and eggs because it makes getting enough protein a lot easier, but I know that a vegan diet can also be healthy and complete in terms of nutrition. Just a bit more complicated.

I wish you the best of luck with you vegan trial month, and hope you find your own path to a healthy lifestyle.

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Hello and welcome 😊 Good luck getting all the information and getting your head in the right place 😊 If you have any questions just ask we,re a very friendly bunch

Thank you all - what a warm welcome! I'm so pleased to have found the forum and am really looking forward to the new year. I know it's going to be hard, but it's something that I need to do. I keep trying to keep in my head that before the kids I never ate this way and maintained a reasonably healthy weight. That had been the result of a diet, so I had been heavy before, but it was a weight I'd maintained for a fair while. I really do feel that I've developed an addiction to food now.

I have tried well known diets and have never really been able to fit them into my life as they have never really gelled with the rest of the family, and I'm tired of wasting money on things that promise the earth and deliver next to nothing. I am more aware than ever that I need to develop my own way of eating that will last me a lifetime.

I'm really encouraged by you guys who've said that following a plant-based (thank you benwl!) lifestyle is one of the best things you've done. I am expecting to receive criticism from family/friends because they won't really understand it. I can't really explain why I feel it's the way forward for me. I've read so much about the environment, animal rights, etc... that it's a decision based on a lot of things. I am fully expecting to be viewed as wacky and hippy-ish though!

I saw on some of the other threads that some of you are runners? Me too! Despite my weight I completed C25K back at the beginning of last year and have since completed a few half marathons. I did the London marathon back in April and am signed for another in July next year. I'm slower than a slow thing on a slow day mind you, but I'm really looking forward to comparing notes with you guys! :D


Hello and welcome to this wonderful forum open to anyone and everyone who would like to lose weight.i have only been here a few weeks and wish I would have found it a lot sooner as everyone is so helpful and if you are ever feeling a bit low because you've gone off or eaten things you know aren't brill or put on weight no one will judge you but only help you with wise and kind words as we've all been there. I also don't eat meat but eat fish and dairy, but my son is vegan,so if I can be of any help I will too, so a very big welcome from me too :)

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