Hello all, my weigh in today and what a surprise I had from a hefty 17 stone 11 lbs to wait for it, drum roll please!!! 16 stone 9lbs that is a loss of 4 lbs this week and altogether 1 stone 2 lbs from a bmi of 42.7 to 39.9 2.8 bmi loss, yay. I can't tell you how exstatic I am. Also the best part of my week, well a couple of weeks ago I went to try a pair of size 18 jeans no go I was a little disappointed, but last evening I went to try on a pair, and it fitted, well. That was another goal of mine to get into size 18s by Christmas. What a great week, I don't know how next week will fair as I am going to Chistmas market, I think I plan on being good but there is one girl going that doesn't think I should of started the diet before Christmas, I am sure she is very wrong! Also she is a big drinker and may of talked me into getting a little drunk! Wish me luck.jp.
Week 5 complete.....: Hello all, my... - Weight Loss Support
Week 5 complete.....

That's amazing, congrats on your achievement!!
I'm sure Christmas market will be fine. And if it's not, you are allowed to have one cheat day for the sake of holidays
Well done you, keep your goals that size 18 jeans isn't far away. What I tried when I began my weight loss journey was to try on the same dress after my weekly weigh in. I can now get it on comfortably. Just finished 12 wks and have gone from 12st 7lbs to 10st 4lbs. My nightmare through my journey is anything out of routine and times away ! But use the site for support, and don't dwell toooo far ahead daily targets are the best . There is never a good time to a healthier life style so enjoy the Christmas market and try not to focus on food and drink but on the lovely things they have 😉😉😉
Hi and congratulations on your weight loss so far, well done👍
The best time to start your journey is when you have that positive mindset to do so whatever the time of year so Christmas or not it's what suits you besides if you can manage Christmas and all the temptations you will manage the rest of the year.
Don't forget the calories in drink too they soon add up if you are not careful plus adding them into your allowance means less calories for food which won't bode well if there's excessive drink around.
Brilliant when you move into another size isn't it? I can get on every coat/jacket in my wardrobe this year and last year I could only get into one of them hasten to say that has now left me lol.
Love Christmas markets I went to Chatsworth last week and walked in over the muddy fields but had a fantastic time and did loads of extra steps. All that walking around and you can treat yourself to a little something without jeopardising your calorie allowance.
Have fun and enjoy it I am off to Lincoln market this week so more walking for me and all those crafty Christmas gifts to see.
Good Luck you are doing brill.⭐️😊👍
Wow.. well done you.. That is amazing in just 5 weeks to lose so much... I'm a newbie here but I joined the gym a couple of weeks ago and they said to me it was actually the best time to start a diet & exercise plan as lots of people wait to start in Jan and the gym then gets really busy and people then lose motivation to come and then quit.... but now the gym is empty and I'm enjoying going and want to succeed. .... so maybe your friend is wrong and this time of year is a perfect time to start a new way of eating & exercising. I think you also got to remember that its only 1 day and won't ruin all your efforts just cos u might treat yourself ... it's what u do the day afterwards and the days after that that counts.. x
Absolutely it is one day don't let it turn into 6! That was my usual tactic one special day became a month of treats such as Christmas, and picking up some bad habits along the way - please let me say good bye to those old ways and have some control in my life. may the downwards slope continue. all the best to you. jp.

JacksonPollock what a brilliant result! You've worked so hard to get here and I applaud you. Walking around the Christmas market will use a few calories so will your body metabolism as it works to keep you warm. Some discretions will not do too much harm, just try to limit them to a few things that you really enjoy and you will do just fine.

Woohoo, JP! What a fantastic result! WTG you!
I hope you don't mind, but I've taken the liberty of replacing your 7lbs badge with a 1 stone badge and I think it suits you soooooo much better!
Prove the nay sayers wrong and strut your stuff in your size 18, Christmas sparklies!
Keep up the great work! Onwards and downwards!
I started couch to 5k in the middle of winter which many people would argue isn't the best time to start a new outdoor activity. But by Spring I'd learnt to run and was well on my way to turning things around in the weight dept too. So don't worry about when people generally think is the best time to do things. Itsbab is right you need to seize the motivation. And you sound super motivated right now. Good luck for the xmas market, I'm sure if you're looking out for it there will be healthy options there too

Thanks Ruth_canal_runner your absolutely right. I now think that this time of year was the best time to start because of Xmas I have always found it a time where I could over indulge, what better way to change that then facing the problem head on! All the best. Jp.