Since January this year I've lost 4 stone. Completely changed my way of eating to healthier and more importantly 'sustainable' which in my opinion is the key..... Anyway, Saturday I fancied chocolate brownies, Nigel Slaters recepies if anyone's interested.... I gave myself a very rare evening of food I like but don't eat..... a baguette with cheese, and a helping of the chocolate brownie, too large a helping, and ice cream....
Sunday saw me I'll all day..... I felt really ill, I felt I'd been poisoned, no exaggerating..... I felt extremely sick and a huge distended belly.... I didn't get up till 1 and spent the rest of the day on the sofa just waiting for the feeling to go ..... my poor body didn't know what had hit it ..... never again ...... be careful overdoing it ..... it's not worth it ...... our bodies really do know what's best ..... and what's not ☹️