Nibble monster calling.......... - Weight Loss Support

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Nibble monster calling..........

Diana profile image
15 Replies

What a week, it all started so well , going away, and now with the cold ( I hate it, prefer the heat), I seem to feel hungrier, is this normal, I just can't seem to stop the cravings, prob a maintain or gain this week?

Your thoughts?

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Diana profile image
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15 Replies
Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi Diana,

Ooooooh, that Nibble Monster - don't you pay too much heed to it, although I know it is an annoying beast to be calling to you like that!!!

Glad to hear your week started well - that's a good start at least!!! I know you prefer the heat to the cold, and it's definitely got much colder as the week's progressed, hasn't it!? It's been raining and hailing here and it's very windy too. Brrrr.....!!!

I do think we do tend to crave things more in the Winter - and I try my best to ensure I have warming stews, casseroles, and soups and continue to fill up with fibre to enable me to cope as best I can with those extra 'munchie' feelings. But it feels harder than in the Summer months for definite - at least that's my personal experience.

I also think it's harder to do exercise at this time of year - I've been meaning to get out for a run, or even to the gym, but I've not felt 'like it' - probably due to the cold weather - it makes me want to hibernate!!!

But - I have been considering this, and I've decided I need to 'up' my exercise next week - despite this cold - otherwise I'm going to end up putting on weight - and I definitely want to lose a few pounds before Christmas.

Anyway, you asked for our thoughts, and I've definitely shared mine!!! It's been good to reflect on it a bit, so thank you Diana - and I'd like to wish you a really good weekend, and hope you cope with the munchies and have a good result on Monday. We can only do our best! Here's to a good weekend in the meantime.

Lowcal :-)

IndigoBlue61 profile image

Definitely more difficult in the dark winter days 😕 Soup is my saviour 😊

Caz28 profile image

I agree, I've felt hungrier too. Porridge for breakfast helps, and Ive been putting a couple of tablespoons of cream in my home made soups and it certainly seems to make them more satisfying for longer.

Diana profile image

Thanks everyone, not had a bad day for ages, liquid stuff never seems to help, nuts, cheese and toast I'm craving! Had two bad days already and feel a bit gutty? Hormones and cold I think too

I am the same, just seem to want to comfort eat - Baltic here (-3 when i got home from work)

I went for homemade veggie soup tonight, nice and warming and filled me up a treat

Good luck :)

Richarde19691 profile image

What's the saying "strave a fever feed a cold" could be your body saying i need more energy to fight this thing and since i started losing weight i listen(dont worry it doesn't really talk to me was told to type this by my ears) to my body more

MrNiceGuy profile image

The shorter days do make it difficult, as they test resolve in many ways.

During the winter months, since it cannot be obtained from sunlight, I ensure that I consume foods that are rich in vitamin D, such as salmon and eggs, helping to maintain the production of serotonin, which is responsible for regulating mood and levels of irritability; it also helps to ensure that I retain the vitality and energy to exercise.

I agree with the recommendation of Concerned, that a source of natural fat will certainly improve levels of satiety, so if you want to eat nuts, go ahead and enjoy a 50g helping, whilst not forgetting that salmon (on the assumption that you like it) isn't just a summer food.

Diana profile image
Diana in reply to MrNiceGuy

Hey you read my mind, with someone of mild bi polar maca root certainly helps, and I do at times rarely have "all you can eat" days normally sugar based, it's a 24 HR wonder tho! It's simply an energy thing, and my 3D vision has been playing up, a sign my serotonin is down, and my bi polar up!

I'm feeling more sleepy too, cat cuddles def helps .........I'm enjoying sharing her coat!

in reply to MrNiceGuy

Had salmon last night and it was yummy - surprised about the calories - it is now going to be a regular on my shopping list :)

MrNiceGuy profile image

Soft boiled eggs and soldiers for breakfast it is.

If it helps, I also take a 5HTP supplement in the evenings during the winter to boost serotonin levels, taking it for the purpose of easing the symptoms of SADS.

If it's something you're interested in, ensure that 5HTP is obtained from Griffonia extract and not synthetically produced.

Diana profile image
Diana in reply to MrNiceGuy

Thanks, luckily given up my bi polar meds ( was on epilepsy ones/ dual purpose) the maca root does more , and balances those pesky menopause symptoms too! ( at times mega bloating, eating fresh ginger too)

I'm eating eggs quite a bit and 25 g packs of unsalted nuts ( max 2 a day), tough eating eggs at 4.30 to 5 am at times tho!

I'm not SAD and have normally more up phases than down being cyclothemic ( as suggests more rippling phases), which is good, it's cycling a bit down currently, will up again soon tho!

MrNiceGuy profile image

Not a problem. If you've joy through the use of maca root, continue with it. I'd simply suggested 5HTP, as it helps to ease my SADS.

That said, I'll certainly look into maca root.

Diana profile image
Diana in reply to MrNiceGuy

Please do research it, I decided last Nov, that after 3 separate things, stomach upset, hormones and laringitus, in almost as many weeks action was needed..............., and up to 20 days at a time if bloating, and then up to 6 lbs too. Maca root rebalances the hormones, maybe it's of use to your wife with PCOD, if I remember rightly?

Some it's claims I never received the benefits from, the serotonin one was a plus tho!

cherv profile image

Do you have epilepsy? I do and Type 1 diabetic. Weather changing and the cold winds upon really my attitude mood. Snapped at the cat this morning which I so A typical of me, wanted to snuggle and I was not in the mood for a lap cat. Hubby put them in there room to heated beds. Someone mentioned Salmon that is dinner tonight, Chili tomorrow needing warm and crock pot meal to full the house with aroma. Winter always brings the desire for comfort food I find now I have discovered many recipes on Pinitest that are Low Calorie and balanced I love.

Diana profile image
Diana in reply to cherv

No only bi polar, very mildly, it's only me and puss, slow cooker helps a lot tho

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