Hello everyone,
I am really pleased with my first weigh in. I have lost 2lbs and considering I have spent most of the week lying in bed getting over my operation I am really happy with the result. The nurses are very impressed with how well I am healing and I started back at work full-time today.
I have been reading lots of your posts and picked up some great tips. I have eaten so healthily this week, the best in years! I have been making everything from scratch including veg chili with brown rice, Jamie Oliver's superfood curry and inspired by Sailsalot's post yesterday about winter comfort eating I made a great big batch of curried carrot and spinach soup which you can see in the photo.
I feel great and even more motivated by this week's weight loss. I am determined to never see 17st on the scales ever again in my life. This community is amazing and is helping me so much.
Here's to many more successful weigh-ins
BTW how do you tag people's name in a post so they know you have referred to their wonderful tips?