hya all,I'm struggling with diet,am exercising 4 days a week,running n cycling ,drinking water and getting my 5 a day,but need a bread substitute,argh,why can't I stop eating it,lost 5lb since last Monday,love exercising but food is my downfall,would the 5-2 be any good,anyone know,tried it??
10 days in: hya all,I'm struggling with... - Weight Loss Support
10 days in

5lb since last Monday is an amazing weight loss! I think you're being too hard on yourself I only have bread at the weekend or one piece of toast for breakfast if I can't find anything else.
5:2 works for some people but I don't think it's sustainable. I tried it for a couple of weeks. Always over ate the day following a500calorie day. Struggled with energy and exercising was almost impossible. I felt like I was on a perpetual cycle of not being able to stick with it or not able to deal with the consequences of sticking to it. If you're able to do it properly and control how much you eat following fasting days it might be more successful but I just don't think you can have a healthy lifestyle by not eating properly twice a week. There are a lot of people who say it works though so if you're serious then maybe worth looking into it
However, you're only 10 days in so give yourself time to adjust to the new way of doing things and hopefully it'll start getting easier. sandwich thins are a smaller amount of calories if you like those and come in wholemeal theyre still bread, but just less bad.

Thk kinbun,will try the sandwich thins,thx for the support and positivity too

You could of could buy ryvita style crisp breads, easy to use
Try these for bread substitutes. Low cal Danish loaf, wraps instead of sliced bread, oatcakes, jacket potato , polenta, sweet potato, brown rice, rice cakes, wholemeal pitta And keep going, focus on what's going right, not what's going wrong

Thk u Ruth,seeded bread is my downfall,i absolutely love it,will try ur substitutes though,Thk for positivity
How about seeded crackers. I've also found these great Mediterranean wraps with herbs in. Lots of different things to try

What is Danish loaf? Ever tried cloud bread tho, curious tho
It's just in the sliced bread section, a bit fluffier than normal white bread, toasts well and is about 50cal/slice. Probably not very filling but you can load it up with filling toppings...

I've heard of the lower carb bread, I just get more hungry tho!
What's cloud bread...?!

Bread , made with whisked eggs, cream cheese, sweetener, or flavouring , and I think bi carb of soda, popular in the states I think
Like soda bread?

Er I don't think so, more cooked omlette I think, never tried making it.
I know on the blood type diet site you can make mock cornbread with seeds, not checked the recipe base for ages tho!
Only Americans could want mock corn bread
Never tried it tho, not a wrap person either, nearest I get is pittas, corn is a no go for me , I also avoid cornflour and use rice flour instead
I love bread and doing without it is not an option 😕 I buy Tesco in store bakery small wholemeal and two slices is about 55g and workable into my plan 😊 Some of the thick sliced seeded breads can be that for ONE SLICE!! 😜
Very well done lizzie42 😊 That is a lot of weight to lose, but forgive me for saying it, you seem in a bit of a hurry 😕 For a permanent solution any changes to your eating and lifestyle have to be sustainable 😊 If you are struggling with hunger you perhaps aren't eating enough.
Good luck and I hope you find a solution 😊

Up to you, but you don't have to rule out bread, just buy smaller sizes, ration it and count it in.
In my ' fat old days' I used to eat cereal or toast for breakfast and sandwiches for lunch. Didn't think I could ever go without bread. Then in 2014, when I started my weight loss journey, I switched to a bigger breakfast of greek yoghurt, berries or small banana, followed by eggs ( boiled, scrambled or veggie omelette ) and I'd eat all that first ... very satisfying . ..then if I still wanted toast I'd just have a small slice of Hovis wholemeal with a little real butter.
That breakfast satisfied me right through to a late lunch, sometimes longer. And the weight came off , slow and steady 32 pounds in total , and has stayed off ever since. I still buy small Hovis sliced, I keep it in the freezer cuz I can pop one slice in the toaster still frozen and it's ready in moments.