Weighing-in: Hi. My diet is pretty much... - Weight Loss Support

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20 Replies

Hi. My diet is pretty much just eating 1800 calories per day (I'm 6'0" 334lbs, now 4 weeks in 316lbs?). It's going quite well (I think), I'm comfortable eating this amount, but I don't get how to weigh myself. My digital scales, like reviews for so many others on Amazon don't seem very accurate, e.g. about 5lb+/- within a day.

Am I being a bit neurotic expecting to weigh myself regularly, like should I just have faith that it's 'probably' heading in the right direction, maybe take a longer view on weighing myself? Am I likely to be losing much anyway, given I'm eating less, although not necessarily including exercising (I mean I fidget a lot but that's it :p). Weighing-in is a nice motivator, but it's getting a bit random with these scales. :oS

20 Replies
georgiexx profile image

There's no point in weighing everyday because your weight natural fluctuates for various reasons. Once a week is enough. Same time of day. Same set of scales. Same state of dress or undress.

If you stick to your diet you can weigh once a month. It is about what works for you, your sanity and the long term.

But there are other measures, your clothes, your vital statistics, your ability to climb the stairs without getting out of breath.

In terms of exercise, gradually build it in. Stretches everyday, taking the stairs instead of the lift. There are loads of you tube vids and workouts on the NHS site to dip into. Have a go and see what you like and start to build a routine.

gilly57 profile image

I get your anxiety. But whilst weighing in and seeing a loss can motivate, it's bleep annoying when you weigh in and have stayed the same! So try not to weigh in more than once a week. Once a month means forgetting using weighing in as a motivator . . . . . . but it would break the habit of weighing in. And habit breaking is part of the struggle. Maybe start with once a week. You're doing really well and 1800 cals is a steady regime that will work. You're doing everything right! Very well done so far. Try to fidget more???? LOL

Windswept1 profile image

Scales are not everything. As the others say it's how you feel that's important as well.

Nilzed profile image

I simply cannot deal with the stress which daily weigh ins caused me. A human body is not a machine, with a fixed number of parts and a rigid weight measurement. Body weight will fluctuate by a few lbs throughout the day and over the weeks and months. I went through a phase of daily weigh ins and ended up making myself a bit of an obsessive mess.

I now only worry about trends. I weigh once a week, between morning toilette and breakfasting. I have become aware of my monthly cycle of weight (this will be less predictable for guys so adjust the concept if needed) and pretty much only concern myself that the usually low point holds steady (within a lb) or drops. i expect the high week, and only worry that is is within the usual range. The other weeks, same with a smaller range. So long as the trend for the low week is not rising, I am OK. Plateaus are my body reconciling itself to changes so I try to appreciate them as a positive sign of long term success. (Its not easy.)

Regarding variance in digital scales, choose a scale spot and stick with it. Moving it around to hopefully hit a sweet spot that gives a better measurement is a waste of time and an opportunity for Obsessiveness to interfere, in my case. After that, work on balance and stillness. If you have access to a Wii with a balance board, do the balance training! Otherwise, well, that old trick of standing/walking with a book on your head might help.

Diana profile image
Diana in reply to Nilzed

Take an average if you weigh yourself every day, what i was told seems wise, I know that I have my fat days, more so in summer, think it's just the heat though!

Diana profile image
Diana in reply to Nilzed

Take an average if you weigh yourself every day, what i was told seems wise, I know that I have my fat days, more so in summer, think it's just the heat though!

You should check your weight every other day and do it normally first thing in the morning when you get up that's the best time to do it. You shoulden't check your weight every day but every other day and do it first thing in the morning.

Knotty profile image
Knotty in reply to

First time I've heard "every other day" recommended. Is that just your personal view or is it to be found elsewhere?

What works for me now is to weigh myself when I think about it (which isn't every day) but I am losing weight gradually (and have been for a couple of years). My loss is slow because it is long-term and sustainable, so there isn't necessarily a change every week but, when weighing at the same time of day and attired the same, my weight does not go up. What is important to me is that my measurements must be decreasing as I'm able to wear clothes which were too small a while ago and will have to dispose of some because they are too big.

in reply to Knotty

It was a doctor who told me you should do it every other day and try and stay the around about the same once you have maintained weight and read on line that every day is what is recommended as well. That's the point of checking weight every other day at same time so you can try and stay around about the same weight and first time in the morning is best because as you eat during day it will go up but once you have exercised or burned any cals in sleep it will be at its lowest first thing in morning and that is normally the weight you go by. I lost weight 6 years ago dropped four dress sizes with help so know all about it and how to maintain weight. This does work and it is a good way to keep eye on weight major problems like put on too much weight can quickly be sorted if you keep an it regularly not every day low but every other day.

Renka profile image

Once a week weigh in is more than enough. It is not necessary to weigh 'every other day'....why would you? It's encouraging obsessive behaviour.

It's all about long term weight loss and a weekly weigh in on the same day of the week, at the same time of day, on the same scales and wearing nothing or the same clothes is more than enough. As long as the trend is downwards over the weeks and months you're doing fine.

Even when you reach your target once a week is more than enough and so long as your weight stays within + or - 3 to 4 lbs of your 'ideal' then you are absolutely fine.

I have lost over 4 stones weighing weekly and can also maintain in this way.

Sorry, but I cannot believe any doctor would encourage weighing so often.

in reply to Renka

It not obsessive behaviour its about looking after your heath and not trying to got over weight or obese. Trying to stay around the same weight and not getting big. I lost weight six years ago with help and have stayed the four dress sizes I lost weight to ever since. A doctor did tell me this and my parents have always done it during their lives none of them were big. It works in controlling weight and keeping it down. Its worked for me I will carry on to do it. I don't agree with every day checking weight now that's obsessive and once a week if it works for you great but when I lost weight once a week was not enough to see what was going on with my weight and properly manage my weight. Every other day has worked and I will carry on doing it better way to see how weight is going and nip any high levels of weight gain in the bud if they ever happen in future quicker than wait a week.

Renka profile image
Renka in reply to

Whatever. If it works for you.........fine - but it may not be right for others. Explain what works for you , yes but we have no right to tell others what they 'should' be doing.

returner profile image

Hi Giggity,

Lot's of people advise weighing weekly, though there's nothing wrong with weighing daily.

It's more about how you weigh and what you take from that information.

I'd suggest you weigh first thing in the morning, after your first pee, but before eating or exercise. Your body weight goes up and down during the day as you eat and drink and as you excrete waste and for dozens of other reasons too. By weighing that way you will probably achieve the most consistent readings for comparison purposes.

It's useful to know how quickly you are losing weight (if you are) as you don't want to lose weight too quickly. As the recommendation is 1 - 2 lbs a week, weighing weekly kind of fits in with that. (Remember though that is an averaged figure, perhaps over three or four weeks). If you weigh daily, then use it in the same way, i.e. to judge your weekly weight loss.

and, of course, remember to use the scales on a firm and level surface. To be honest, I'd say if you're finding you're weight going up and down as much as you say, then either there's a problem with how you are using your scales, or they are faulty.

If you were weighing yourself at different times of day on the same scales (same level of clothes, etc.) I'd be pretty surprised if you'd have a variance of more than about 2 lbs at the most.

Thanks for all the help peeps. My floor is a bit wonky in parts, but I'm learning where the extra flat parts are so the scales don't wobble. :p I'm surprised so many of you talk about eating so few calories, I found 1000 a day a nightmare, hence this time going with 1800. I'm actually enjoying being a tad hungry.

returner profile image
returner in reply to

Hi Giggity,

Two quick points:

1) I put my scales onto a flat, heavy slate tile, so wherever I use them they are properly flat.

2) There are recommended calorie intakes for both men and women who are on a weight loss regime. Generally speaking, the less calories you take in, the less food you eat. So people who reduce their calorie intake too much are at risk of eating too little overall and therefore just not taking in the full range of nutrients needed for their bodies to function properly. It's not all about calories, you need all the other nutrients too.

Very Low Calorie Diets (VLCDs) have significant health dangers connected with them - especially if the levels of particular nutrients are not maintained - and should not be done in a sustained way except under medical supervision.

I'm not talking the odd day of fasting. I'm talking being on a so-called weight loss regime on too low an calorie intake for, say several weeks or perhaps three months plus.

For sure, such regimes are necessary in certain specific circumstances, for example, when the health risks of the excessive weight are greater than the health risks of the VLCD.

Fast weight loss is almost always not a good idea and, again, there are recommendations about healthy rates of weight loss too.

At one level, I guess that perhaps what I'm saying is flipin' obvious - just think anorexia.

Penybont19 profile image
Penybont19 in reply to

I cannot do 1000 calories. I have an active job and would just keel over. 1500 to 2000 i am aiming for. My initial thought is just to start eating at right times, the right things. No rubbish.

Tilly2488 profile image

I'd say weigh yourself once a week. I always put my scales in he same place as uneven flooring can effect what the scales say. I also measure myself as sometimes you can lose inches if you have a small weight loss

p1r9k3s8 profile image

Could I trouble you to tell me what exactly you are eating to do so well! Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner, plus beverages - with or without semi skimmed milk. I am 76yrs and need to lose because of diabetes and tiredness due to over weight - am 14stone, just under at the moment but hope I am going in the right direction but living alone should be easier, but sorry to say it is not! I do not snack between meals but at the moment probably do not exercise enough which I find hard in this hot weather - too exhausting.

Thank you so much. I am female. You will be doing me a great favour if you have time please.

My diet is really bad, I don't recommend it. I take the attitude of eating what I want, e.g. snacks, processed food, a little junk food, no set meal plans.. the main thing is I stick to the 1800 calories. That Nhs calorie/bmi webpage recommends as little as 2300 for myself for my age/weight/height/etc. Definitely get that right, too few calories isn't sustainable!

I have made a few small changes to my diet though, like far less sugary drinks, beer/alcohol/mcdonalds lol is more of a treat these days, more fruit, less uh - compulsively bingeing?. Anything that's nice and countable, isn't too loaded with calories, or is going to sap my energy because it's nutritionally poor / empty calories.

I use a heavily scripted local webpage I wrote to keep count, chart my weight, and (don't laugh) award myself stars (I'm kind of geekily into coding :p ).

Reducing calorie intake reminds me when I quit smoking: there's that initial cravings for like a week, then I got used to it and less and less can't imagine going back to any other way of eating.

Also, I take an antidepressant, antipsychotic, and the odd co-codamol. So half the time I'm a little buzzed with my head in the clouds. It's one of the reasons I put on weight in the first place (ending up in psych ward when I was a teenager), but I'm a lot more stable now and dare I say maybe enjoying life. And I'm enjoying the weather, it's a great time to start a diet! :)

Diana profile image
Diana in reply to

Try snacking on raw veg,peppers, carrots , cucumber, try to portion size your dinners, 100g of protein, pack with lots of veg, a little carb, and eat generally healthier!

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