This is a very different before and after picture. The picture on the left is me 7 years ago, there's probably only around 1 stone difference to the one on the right (5 weeks ago) but the 2 are worlds apart. The woman (who was me) on the left was in an emotionally abusive relationship. She didn't deserve makeup or nice clothes. Jewelry was something for "pretty women" and she saw herself as nothing. She slept on the sofa like a dog, she didn't buy herself pants or socks and in total honesty she knew herself to be worthless. 2 years ago my world fell to bits. I was suddenly homeless with a 4 year old, bankrupt and having to let go of the only job I had ever enjoyed. I was in the darkest place I have ever been and that was the making of me. I forged myself a new life, a home from scratch and slowly began to realize something was a miss. I met my current partner 1 and 1/2 years ago (despite us both not wanting a relationship lol) He is now my very best friend and has helped me in becoming myself, figuring out who I am and what I want. I am now more than comfortable in my own skin. I want to lose weight for my health but most of all because I deserve all the benefits of my own hard work, I deserve time to make this happen. I know my friends and family may think "oh just another diet" but I know right to my core that this is my turning point. I've done the work on the inside, now all that's left is the out!
Laid Bare: This is a very different... - Weight Loss Support
Laid Bare

Very well done for turning your life around, and obviously that of your child too. The change in you is shining through on your most recent photo, you look younger (which is amazing as you are actually 7 years older!) and happier, it really shows! Good luck for the future x
I know how hard it is to rebuild a life after a abusive relationship, well done Crimson85J you have done brilliant. You deserve this for all that hard work you put into getting your life back on track. I understand what you mean only too well when you say you didn't deserve nice clothes and make up, but you do deserve those things and you look great now. I'm happy for you now you have a good man in your life to support you. Keep going forward you can do this.
Have a lovely week.
You have come through so much, worked so hard to get to a good place, and are now so positive. You are a real winner and I can't wait to see the third photo of when you achieve your target weight.

Caz28 is absolutely right. You look younger in your older photo. Sleek hair, make up and a top which I love. You are in a good place and now you are ready to embrace the healthy you. Good luck because you deserve all the good things that life has to offer you and your family. Xx
Hi Crimson
Your looking good girl. What a sad story but with a new beginning.
I believe things come for a reason and as they say what doesn't kill you does make you stronger.
Your experience have allowed you to develop good coping strategies for the future which you are now using in your weightless journey.
Experience is a good teacher. Thanks for sharing.
Oh what an amazing post. Thank you for sharing this, I could just hug you! You are positively glowing in the recent photo! You have come so far, well done. xxx
Wow you look so much younger and healthier.👍😊
No one should be made to feel like you were and thank goodness your life is good now with a new partner too.
I have no doubt you will get to where you want to be as I admire the strong woman you are to have gone through so much, now for you the only way is up. 💐💐💐 Bev
You're amazing! I too understand the strength it has taken you to get where you are now having been in a very similar situation. The differences in the pictures shine through. Don't listen to any doubters - do what you want to do - for you!
You have done so well and should be very proud of yourself. Keep going and don't worry what anyone thinks.
Well done my sweetheart for doing all that. You do look amazing and younger and your stance shows that you are not going to put up with any nonsense any more. An inspiration for those who find themselves in abusive relationships. Take care xx
What a lovely post to wake up to 😊❤️😊 You are absolutely right to feel very proud of yourself 😊 You can see the confidence and beauty shining out ❤️❤️❤️
you look amazing and very happy, you seem to be in the right frame of mind to do this, don't think of it as a diet just a change of lifestyle and you will get there, good luck
You have a lovely face and you do look so much younger in the photo on the right. You should be proud of yourself for what you have achieved, onward and upward! Xxx
Not only do you look slimmer, but your self confidence is showing from the inside too! You are a true inspiration - you have turned a difficult time in your life into something positive when you could have just let yourself slide. Absolutely fantastic!
Amazing - well done 😊💜
You have achieved so much already, and with all your new found positivity and the love and support of a good partner i know you can make these changes for the better, to become the woman you want to be and have the life you deserve! what a wonderful role model you are on facing up to adversity and tackling it head on!

You are doing brilliantly. Good luck for the future. As you have already shown you can do anything that you set your mind to. Keep going forward. Everything is possible.
Thanks for your lovely messages all. Watch this space ❤