Hi I'm Bernadette, I am a bit new here... - Weight Loss Support

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Hi I'm Bernadette, I am a bit new here...

Bernadettemostyn profile image

I am aiming to lose some weight and feel better about myself. I want to lose around three stone and get back into those old clothes or new clothes in the future which don't fit me at the moment. I can imagine we are all going through something similar regarding our weight so we can help each other hopefully.

If we have stuff in common or you think we can be of assistance to one another then send me a message and we can chat about experiences of the battle to lose weight.

I am looking forward to hearing from people and we can share advice and so on which would be great.


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Bernadettemostyn profile image
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17 Replies
oolala profile image

Hi I really want to lose some weight too I struggle as I get very tired - end up going for quick food that's easy to prepare

Kenny25 profile image
Kenny25 in reply to oolala

Hi oolala, I too am tired and struggle. It's not an easy road to take but I am convinced that the tiredness for me will surpass as I shift some of this weight. I have been in the morbidly obese category for most of my adult life. I have been doing the 12 week plan for 3 weeks now and it's so easy. I never feel hungry and I've started increasing my walking. That may not sound a lot but for me it's a major breakthrough. When I got home at night I used to just find whatever was in the freezer and fire it into the oven then go and sit down in front of the TV until it was cooked. Although I was a Head Chef to trade many moons ago, I just didn't have the energy to prepare meals from scratch. I now plan my meals for next week in the middle of the week and write a menu. Then I list all the ingredients I need to buy. This stops me from having things in the house that I know I would just munch were they to be there. I'm not in from work until 6pm and have a 6am start so I may decide to do spaghetti Bolognese for the Monday and chilli on the Tuesday. I make the Bolognese on the Sunday afternoon then its just a case of adding chilli flakes, peppers and kidney beans on a Tuesday. If I'm doing grilled Cajun chicken then I will cook my veg and potatoes to cover a couple of days so that I'm not prepping veggies every night. I'm approaching this not as a diet but as a change of eating habits as well as a new start. This is a fantastic place to be. You will receive help and support from people who know how you feel. I wish you the best of luck with your weight loss journey.

oolala profile image
oolala in reply to Kenny25

Thanks so much - that's just the inspiration and practical advice I need!! Keep going you are doing so well!!

FantasticFlower profile image
FantasticFlower in reply to Kenny25

That's what I do, plan next week's meals then buy the ingredients; always know what I am going to cook and it is a good way to budget as well, especially if you shop on-line thus avoiding impulse buys.

jjgilb profile image
jjgilb in reply to oolala

Hi oolala, It's difficult to motivate yourself when you are tired but please try. You don't have to jog around the block but you can do exercises when you are sat down. Get different parts of your body moving. Wave your hands or raise and lower your legs. Next stand up and do them and progress from there. I was ill years ago with a very bad virus and I couldn't walk more than a few yards. The doctor told me that I was the only one who could make myself get better. I sat down and lay 2 tins on the floor, put my feet on them and rolled them back and for. It took me a couple of months before I felt well again but it was worth it. It you find it helps you then post your progress on here every day and we will cheer you on.

oolala profile image
oolala in reply to jjgilb

Thankyou so much how are you now? well I hope

jjgilb profile image
jjgilb in reply to oolala

Everything fine now. Good luck.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Hi and welcome Bernadette :)

You're right, we're all going through something similar to you and you'll find a wealth of experience and knowledge right here :)

Let me direct you to the Pinned Posts section to the right of your screen. Start with the welcome newbie thread and work through the challenges. You'll find loads of info and tips to get you started.

Consider joining our monday group weigh-in, the latest thread can always be found in the events section to the right of the home page.

We'd love you to join us in any, or all of the challenges, as they're fun and motivating.

Be active on the forum and above all, enjoy your journey! :)

Wishing you all the best :)

Claire2stone profile image

Hello andwelcome to this very friendly forum 😀 you have defiantly come to the right place to get help and support from like minded non judgmental people. The nhs12wk plan is a fantastic platform to loose weight and with the support and motivation from this site you can and will achieve your goals. I have lost 1 1/2stone in 15wks and loved every minute. There is also a good recipe thread on this forum to give you some inspiration for quick healthy meals. Good luck and don't be afraid to post any questions, queries or triumphs we are allways here. Claire x

Hello! I was in a very similar place to you in early 2015; I have now lost around 3 stone and (just!) reached what I would say is a healthy weight; though I am now keen to build on fitness more and see what that brings.

This forum has been huge for me. I read a lot of posts; and persevered. I tried some of the challenges, (not always finishing them, but I did some) and it all helped.

I also began to use My Fitness Pal and really really tried to put in everything. This is a calorie counter and it uses the web to find the food. You need to weigh it as I certainly had/have a tendency to say 'oh, that's 10g (of cheese) and on weighing it's 40g or more; which makes a significant difference to calories in. I also started swimming, because that suited me. I've done other things, classes at the local council gym, zumba (good for a laugh! and it's all movement!) and tried to up my walking. I feel much much better and prepared for what is coming next, whatever that might be. Very best of luck, you decided to do it, and you can. If you have a blip and eat a load of ...... - at some point the eating stops, and you go for a walk/swim whatever and drink a lot of water. All the best.

katy6860 profile image

hi Bernadette and welcome! I am new here to and I love it already. the people here are so helpful and nice and full of great advice. I read something helpful on here everyday to keep myself motivated. I have to cook everyday for my family but it is hard to stay healthy. I am looking to lose about 100 pounds but in a healthy way to keep it off. I am going to be 50 this year and I want to be around to see my grandbaby graduate! read the pinned posts religiously.. they are great and if you have any questions ask me and we will figure them out together!

roberval profile image

Hi Bernadette, I've not been doing the 12 week plan but hit the gym every morning before work and walk for an hour. In the evening I have a holistic walk just to get my circulation going after sitting down for most of the day. I eat regular meals, more or less calorie counted and drink loads of water. I'm much less tired and I've lost 1 1/2 stone approx in since the end of March. So good luck - I find week days ok but go a bit off course at weekends!

esull profile image

Hi Bernadette,

We have something in common already.......we both signed up yesterday lol.

Reading your message felt like I was reading about myself. I have weighed in today and my starting weight is a whopping 14 stone 5 pounds and my overall weight loss target is 5 stone.

I am pleased I have found this site as there is so much support and my target actually feels doable (just like yours is).

I am breaking my goal down to a stone at a time but every loss no matter how small will bring us closer to our goal.

How have your first few days been?

roberval profile image
roberval in reply to esull

Hi Esull

Sounds like you, me and Bernadette are in for the long haul!

Good luck

esull profile image
esull in reply to roberval

Thank u Roberval :-)

Good luck to you too.

Bernadettemostyn profile image

Hi esull

Today was my first proper calorie counting day. I am aiming for around 1000 roughly calories per day. I think it's going ok so far. Also I went to my first aerobics this morning which went better than expected.

Are you filling in the chart thing for each of the 12 weeks? I'm filling it in now.

Good so far. How is everything with you ? Has it been a good day and how are you finding it?

RG07 profile image

Hi I work shifts so it can be difficult- I do similar to Kenny 25- I plan my meals for the week and batch cook meals on my days off- and divide them into 4- bolognaise, curry, roast veg,chilli etc to freeze them. I then add the pasta, rice or couscous the day before and I have a main meal at work at lunchtime so only have to make a sandwich, burger & bun or soup when I get home- I work from 7am -7:30pm. Then on my days off cook from scratch. When I get in from work the last thing I want to eat is a big meal. I also remember being told on a previous diet that its best not to eat a main meal in the evening since your body does very little to burn it off cos you're asleep (hopefully)- the body'd demand is higher during the day for energy- unless you work permanent nights!

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