Hi Peeps, I missed the weigh in yesterday, as I left my laptop at work. But I am glad to announce that I have lost another kg since last Monday, so I am now 67.1kg.
The inches seem to stay, but I may as well be just rubbish with a measuring tape.
I have 6 weeks to go till the party and 8 till my holiday.
If I manage to keep up the good work it can happen. I can now fit in a size 12 dress I just bought for the party. But majority of my old clothes are still on the hanger.
This past week was bit harder, because I had less time to exercise, but I squeezed a lot in on Sunday. Foodwise it was OK. I had to guess on occasions due to dinner invites, BUT I really had small portions and balanced with soups etc during the day. I swapped my usual lager for a vodka, lime wedge soda combo- but to be honest I am trying to keep dry as much during these few weeks as possible.
That is all from me. Work is super busy (sad face) but I will try to catch up with you peeps to see how you shrinking!