D day today c25k: Hi hope everyone's had... - Weight Loss Support

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D day today c25k

gareth0073 profile image
71 Replies

Hi hope everyone's had a great weekend so far we'll here we are day one got for it how do it go hope next time I look at this page it's going to be very busy good luck and ENJOY Gareth

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gareth0073 profile image
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71 Replies
LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024

Enjoy your first run everyone - you can do it!

bakersdozen profile image

Sorry I ended up walking 2 hours plus going up and escalators. no C25 k for me today and definitely not tomorrow as i plan on another long walk. t seems like i planned one thing today and ended up doing something else.

in reply to bakersdozen

There's still time bakersdozen. I had weeks like that during my couch to 5k. You just need to absolutely definitely schedule it in for 7am on Wednesday or something. Then you can do 2nd run Friday and 3rd run Sunday, then that's your 3 runs for the week. Good luck :)

bakersdozen profile image
bakersdozen in reply to

The only problem is that I can't leave my house so early in the morning but actually you gave me a fabulous idea is that once I have taken my son to school I will come home and get my trainers on and run.

Thanks for your idea. Today I planned to get him a jacket but didn't find. Never mind!

It is good to talk as I get ideas!

in reply to bakersdozen

How about wearing something you could run in to take your son to school - if you go by foot/public transport - minimal baggage, just keys/phone in pocket - then run home? Depending on distance of course. I have no idea what would actually work for you - but good to test out a few ideas! Good luck :)

bakersdozen profile image
bakersdozen in reply to

Sorry I only run in the park wearing trainers so therefore I will leave it at this way. His school is only 10 min walking.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to bakersdozen

I did a 5K walk, straight after my run bd. Where there's a will, there's a way :)

bakersdozen profile image
bakersdozen in reply to moreless

I came home today shattered from my long walk. I was meant to go out this morning on my run before I ended up in Wood Green but didn't get out of the house so early.

I will leave it till Wednesday.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to bakersdozen

Good thinking and good luck! :)

bakersdozen profile image
bakersdozen in reply to moreless

All thanks to Hidden idea. I like the idea of leaving till Wednesday as that way I will be more organized on Thursday evening and I will get out for a run on Friday.

Tuesday I can never do as I always end up with a long walk as I end up in another area very early. Don't forget I can only go out when my son is in school which means from 8:45. Saturday I can go only for a walk but I don't count my steps.

It sounds like I just needed the push to actually do it. I am so glad you don't let me back out which I was trying to. You are all so kind not to allow me to back out! :)

in reply to bakersdozen

Don't back out - or at least try everything you can before giving up - there may be a way to do it that you haven't thought of yet! :)

bakersdozen profile image
bakersdozen in reply to

Actually I did say that I have a plan already that once I take my son to school I will than come home and put on my trainers and run in the park. I live 7 mins to the park where there is hills. I will try tomorrow but the problem is that I have to do it every other day and not everyday. Will stick to Wednesday and tomorrow will go for a nice long walk and make sure to do my shopping so I get my weights in as well!

Thanks as I am typing I am thinking of more ideas!

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi Gareth,

Just found your latest thread, and I'll pin this, so people who are doing their first runs can report back into this one. I am just about to go and do mine in a few minutes!

Wising everyone luck with their runs today, or whenever they are doing them!

Lowcal :-)

p.s. Here is a link to the previous thread:


moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

I started a reply hours ago and got seriously side-tracked! I had hoped to see heaps of posts today, but maybe everybody is waiting until later, to do their runs! :)

I think I said before that I'd done a couple of unsuccessful dummy runs. I'm glad I did, because it made things more organised for the real McCoy! :)

First attempt was no good, because my local terrain made all walking downhill and running uphill. Big no, no!

Second attempt I took my dog, which was also a big no, no, as she ran off and pestered the farm dog!

My run this morning, went really well! I've shocked myself! When everybody said it was possible, I thought they must be superhuman and that any running was waaaaaay out of my league, but I can honestly say that I managed the 8 x 60 second runs, without too much trauma! Whether that will be true of the longer runs remains to be seen! :)

I am daunted by the sheer distance of 5kms, as that's my regular walk. The thought of running that whole way, seems a highly improbable dream at the moment, but I felt the same about running for 60 seconds, so I shall have to wait and see :)

I hope everybody else's run goes well and I can't wait to hear all about them :)

in reply to moreless

Hi Moreless, just to give you a bit of perspective, most people only achieve 4k at the end of couch to 5k - it's a bit of a misnomer actually! It should be called couch to 30mins as it's only set up to increase the time you run for, the distance just sort of increases alongside, according to all our different levels of ability. For new runners, 5k in 30mins is very ambitious. I ended up aiming for 4k for my final week 9 run, and was so chuffed to make it. So if 5k seems mega ambitious then that's because it is! Just think about the time you're running for, not the distance, it's about learning to run, not learning to run especially fast or far. Managing 8x 60second runs is amazing. Good luck with the programme :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

That's a relief Ruth! I probably won't even run 2K, because my running is really slow! Much slower than my walking! :D

Thanks for your support :)

in reply to moreless

My first 5k took me around 45mins (several weeks after completing c25k). I considered myself quite slow at the time but I know plenty of people out there will be even slower, as I did at least have some residual fitness from cycling, and I've now gradually improved to almost 30mins (30:05 is still my fastest time for 5k!). But have faith, there's a point where it suddenly starts to feel more natural, things get easier and smoother. Going slower than walking pace sounds fine to me. I've been overtaken by fast walkers while out running. Maybe you're one of those fast walkers :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

I'd love to think so Ruth, but the truth is, I'm a really slow runner! :D

I'm really not fussed about being slow, I just want to be able to do it and be able to run up the hills too, or I shall get very discombobulated if I have to keep turning around :)

in reply to moreless

You'll manage to run up the hills for sure. If terrain allows, can you sort of zigzag up them? I think that sort of takes the incline off it. I was convinced I was a really slow runner too, but although I'm not mega-fast now, I'm pretty fast, the system definitely works! :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

OMG, the neighbours are going to think I've really lost the plot if I start weaving my way up the hills! :D

I shall put my faith in the system and hope my body keeps up! :)

in reply to moreless

The neighbours are definitely not watching Moreless. At least not half as much as you think they are :D Just relax and enjoy :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Not at 4am they're not! :D

in reply to moreless

You'd think... :o

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

LOL! I do know that my next door neighbour got up at 5.45am in the hope of catching me! :D

in reply to moreless

"No matter how slow you go, you're still lapping everyone on the couch!"

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

That's so true Butey, thanks so much for your encouragement :)

Sana786 profile image
Sana786 in reply to

I just completed that and my daughter is just pushing me in for a shower as I am drenched in sweat.... Eeewww😕. But hey!I loved it and will run for the shower after catching my breath. 😅😅.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Sana786

Yaaaay sana! WTG you! What a star! :)

bakersdozen profile image
bakersdozen in reply to

Hidden Thanks for clarifying that it is not the speed but how long. I was always trying to ran fast but than gave up! vI love reading your posts as you are so knowledgeable!

gareth0073 profile image
gareth00737lbs in reply to moreless

Well done keep it up done great today

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to gareth0073

Thanks Gareth, how did your daughter get on?

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi everyone,

I am excited about this challenge that gareth0073 has kindly agreed to mentor - and I know he's hoping to see lots of activity in here when he next looks at this page. :-)

I went out for my first run of the week at about 3.40pm. Normally I run at the gym, and I do usually manage to run 5km at the gym once a week. I chose to join this Challenge to enable me to run outside, as I rarely do that! Anyway, I set off in the sunshine at 3.40pm and I ran for 35 minutes - and I think I did 5km - I managed to keep running, and the terrain is a bit hilly in places as I was running on cliff-paths - some steps in places and things like that. I met people along the way, and one of them even 'encouraged' my by saying 'Come on! You can do it!' - so I felt that was very nice of them!

I admit I haven't managed to sort myself out with an MP3 player, and so I didn't listen to a coach on the podcast, but I did imagine that people in this community were spurring me on - i.e. imagined you all waiting there at the finish line, and also imagined you encouraging me in my head, and it really helped me to keep going.

I've run outside previously but not for a long time, and when I last ran outside, I found that I stopped more - I was impressed I kept going, and I really felt good for doing that run.

So thank you to you all for doing this Challenge, as I think that whatever level we're at, and whatever our experience of running, it doesn't matter, we can enjoy the experience and improve on it as time goes on.

Sana786 - where are you? I saw your enthusiastic post this morning, and wonder how you got on with your run. Hope it went well.

Really great that you enjoyed your run today moreless and I know you've already done some running last week too - really good!

Where are the others? Hope to hear about their runs later today.

bakersdozen - wishing you success with yours - I know you're planning to do it on Wednesday, so good luck! :-)

I know there's quite a few people intending to do this, and I think it's so great.

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Zest

Wow Lowcal, your run sounds fantastic! Well done you! I'm definitely not in your league, I'm really in the very slow, but very keen league :)

On my very first run, I bumped into the farmer next door, who gave me a very strange look and a wry laugh, when I had to sheepishly explain what I was up to! I'm hoping to have the last laugh, when I do my triumphant 5K's! :)

Come on everyone, I'm dying to hear how you all got on! :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to moreless

Me too, Moreless - I wonder where they are...! Probably out running somewhere and they'll be popping back soon to let us know how they got on.

Yes, I think that you'll have the last laugh with the farmer. :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Zest

Fingers crossed for both scenarios Lowcal :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to moreless

Hi Moreless,

I've just sent a link to this thread to the people who contributed to the previous thread, as it is possible that they might not have realised where we are! :-)

Hopefully that will help, and I realise that Sana786 had had difficulty with her mobile today, so she's intending to do her run tomorrow. :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Zest

That's great Lowcal, let's hope Sana has more luck tomorrow :)

Sana786 profile image
Sana786 in reply to moreless

Hi moreless and Zest , the issue with the mobile was in last few days. Sorry about the confusion. I have successfully completed my c25k t9day plus an extra juggle between the treadmill and the bike as I had to be at home due to my son's illness. I hope this helps as I feel like im losing the plot and posting all over the forum i think.... 😕😑😐😯

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Sana786

It certainly clarifies it for me, Sana, well done!!! :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Sana786

LOL, don't worry about it Sana, I've been posting all over the place too :)

I'm sorry to hear about your son's illness though. I hope he gets better soon :)

Sana786 profile image
Sana786 in reply to moreless

Thank you Moreless. It really means a lot! 💖

Sana786 profile image
Sana786 in reply to moreless

Sorry for a little late reply moreless , as I had to do some things and did my run indoor. Let the on lookers look as they don't know the feeling we get once we achieve our set targets/goals. ☺😉. Best of luck to you and all others wgo are in this with us.... 👍😀


moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Sana786

Great attitude Sana! We'll show them and definitely have the last laugh! :)

Sana786 profile image
Sana786 in reply to Zest

Hi Zest , here i am!😅😆

I had a fantastic run today. It was much later in the day as I started off at 7:30pm. I had a bit of juggle for the first 10 mins between the bike and the treadmil and did it infoots today as my son is not too well and I was staying at home to make sure he is okay. I did however , complete the full 30 mins on top of the juggle (which I'm not counting). I am at the children's hospital at the moment as his condition got worse and the caugh just wouldn't stop.

Well done to you for your run and wish you all the best for Wednesday's run now. ☺😀.

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Sana786

Hi Sana,

Great to see you! I hope your son gets better, and at least you're with him at the children's hospital, so he can get some good treatment there.

Glad to hear you had a fantastic run, that's brilliant! :-)

Thanks for your good wishes for Wednesday's run - I'm actually looking forward to it! :-)

Enjoy your next one too!

Lowcal :-)

Sana786 profile image
Sana786 in reply to Zest

Thank you so much Lowcal! I hope so too and like you, I am also looking forward to my run as well.

My youger son is planning to do a skipping challenge with me tomorrow to help me reach my target of hitting the 15st by next Monday. very excited about that as well.💖

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Sana786

A skipping challenge sounds good! Hope you both have fun with that. Wow, good luck with your target to hit the 15st by next Monday. :-)

Sana786 profile image
Sana786 in reply to Zest

I don't think you have come across my post in today's weight loss post yet Lowcal, once you see that, this will all make sense to you. ☺

Gottodothis profile image

Hi, does it matter if the run is on a treadmill?



moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Gottodothis

Running is running Gottodothis, you do it wherever you feel comfortable :)

At least you won't have to contend with hills like I'm having to! :D

Gottodothis profile image
Gottodothis in reply to moreless

I started running today put the treadmill on 4 incline and speed 7 (fast and slight uphill) did 15mins but forgot to see kg oops. I used to enjoy running but lost the time to do it.

Thanks for helping me do something I love.

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Gottodothis

Wow Gottodothis, you're way ahead of me! You're almost at graduate stage! You only have to do 30 mins at the end of 9 weeks! I struggled to do 60 seconds! :)

Next run, you'll need to remember to clock your K's too. You must be doing at least 2, if not more! :)

Keep up the great work! :)

Best of luck to all those starting - I remember doing c25k and suddenly realising that is was actually possible for ME to run. And it gets so much easier so quickly you will love it if you can stick with it!

2.26miles for me tonight, on a 5 min run, 2 min walk. Very pleased with this. I've been trying to do a marathon in a month but left nearly all of it to the last two weeks - so 3.6miles yesterday and boy oh boy my thighs are killing me!

Just 2.04miles left for tomorrow and then it's completed... And I may never run again lol!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

Well done Butey, but don't give up the running, we'll need you to keep us going! :)

Claire2stone profile image

Good evening all 😀 I did it 🏃😆👍

so chuffed with myself ... red faced, hot and sweaty but feel like I've accomplished something.

I'm not going to lie I struggled with the last 2 runs and had a few hills to climb but overall kept a good pace to the music and really enjoyed it. Felt so nice to be out in the sunshine. Probably scared a few people but hey ho 😂

My app says I've done the following today :

Total Km for day 9.28

Kcal used for day 548

4176 healthy paced steps


Been pottering around the garden with kids too.

Hope everyone has given it a go.

Actually looking forward to weds.

Claire x

gareth0073 profile image
gareth00737lbs in reply to Claire2stone

Get in there we'll done yoy

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Claire2stone

OMG Claire! Well done you! That's fantastic! 9.27K's??!! I only did 3.24K's! :o

Bring it on! :)

Claire2stone profile image
Claire2stone in reply to moreless

Thanks moreless 😀 not sure phones 100% accurate but I have walked a lot today and then my run/walk....so maybe?!?

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Claire2stone

Oh, I thought you meant your run was 9.27K's! :D

Claire2stone profile image
Claire2stone in reply to moreless

Lol 😀😀😀 I've edited my post so it doesn't look like I've ran and ran and ran and ran ....

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Claire2stone

That would have been seriously impressive for a first run! :D

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Claire2stone

Well done Claire, you're doing great! :-)

in reply to Claire2stone

Well done you! let us know how you get on with your run on Wednesday, and never worry about what other people think of you - if I see people out running I usually think good for you, wish I wasn't so lazy! 😋

Claire2stone profile image
Claire2stone in reply to

Thanks Butley 😀 didn't really bother me just not attractive is it ..... my face is puce red when I exercise lol 😅 ran past a group of Teenagers and turned up my earphones and ignored the looks and comments. I'm like you I see people running and think well done you must be fit!!! Maybe in a few months that will be me 😀

Plan on doing my first run tomorrow as today just been so busy. Downloaded podcast, got trainers, just need to get out and do it!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to

You can do it Jem and you're going to love it! :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to

Enjoy your run tomorrow, Jem. :-)

MissOTT profile image

Hi everyone. I read about this yesterday and decided to start C25K again today so that I could join you all. I started it last week and only did two runs, so it's not like I've gone too far backwards. I will welcome the support and encouragement to be honest.

So I did my first run tonight after work - managed to get out of the house at about 9.20 and was home just before 10pm. I find the first run section really hard work, but after that it seems to become easier. I am really enjoying it and am actually looking forward to building up the runs and seeing how well I cope with them! It's been a long time coming and have found this forum at just the right time 😊

Good luck to everyone and see you back here on Wednesday, if not before. I will hopefully complete W1D2 in the morning, before I start work at 1pm, otherwise will have to do it on Thursday. Is having two days inbetween a bad thing? Is it best to stick to just one rest day?

Happy running 🏃🏼👩🏼💙

gareth0073 profile image
gareth00737lbs in reply to MissOTT

Well done it will get easyer and you've done the biggest step leaving the house and doing give yourself a big pat on the back

JaySeeSkinny profile image

Well done all for getting out there - I think it's brilliant! Sounds really enjoyable in a group. Don't worry about speed, if you're feeling out of breath slow down! And don't worry about the 5k - most of us can't do 5k in 30 mins, many of us never will. Age is unimportant aswell, we have everything up to 80 (and probably beyond)! Many who only started recently. Don't look ahead, just take the runs week by week. Enjoy being out in the fresh air and keep posting! Good luck!

Gottodothis profile image

3.78k on treadmill 2 running on slop rest walking fast. Did not realise I could run that far.

Good luck everyone


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