I only started the 12 week plan this week but I started my 'health kick' a few weeks back and today is two weeks since I had any fizzy drinks. I used to drink at least 2 litres a day so it's a big deal for me and already my jeans are fitting more comfortably. I'm struggling to find time to work in exercising around uni and work but seeing as I'm spending 6 or so hours on my feet at work I'm marking it down as a 30 minute walk - is that cheating? I work right through tea time so it's difficult for me to get out for a run as its always dark when I finish and I have uni every morning before I start. Hopefully I can find a balance in my busy life though
Feeling better but lacking in exercise! - Weight Loss Support
Feeling better but lacking in exercise!
You can do it
Good nutrition can be difficult to fit in around such a busy lifestyle 😕 Good planning will be your friend 😊 And I agree, you sound as if you're getting lots of exercise!! 😊 Good luck!
I know your struggle. I too used to drink fizzy drinks only. Not dirt just full fat red versions!
In 4 weeks I have had 2 of the small diet versions. Not bad for a fizzy drink addict
Well done and I'm sure you will work around to get some exercise into your day. 😄
I was exactly the same, would drink gallons of full fat fizzy drinks and nothing else. Gone completely cold turkey and I can't say I'm missing it. Thank you!
Well done for ditching those fizzy drinks. Do you have a pedometer or an app on your phone? I am sure if you are walking around for 6 hours at work you may be surprised to find how many steps you are doing
I can't keep my phone on me at work but I think a pedometer sounds like a good investment!

I just bought a cheap pedometer from my local Lloyds chemist (about £4) and it seems fine for me. I can't use my mobile either as the battery is not good in it and it only will last till lunchtime. It does spur you on when you see how many steps you are doing.