Can anybody out there please help me. I drink loads of it ....maybe that`s a lot of my problem??? I never knew it was bad for you, or so people are saying....any facts on this???
Diet Drinks: Can anybody out there... - Weight Loss Support
Diet Drinks

Hi Ollio,
Here's a really thought provoking thread that is relevant to your question about diet drinks, it was posted by Dave1961 and it's got lots of good replies:
I also did a post about Artificial sweeteners:
Lots of reading, and some interesting responses from people.
Thanks for that, it has made me think and now I have a new question! I am struggling just now and I definitely want to eat bad food when I am stressed. I am just struggling...not losing , maintaining but not losing!
Sometimes we mistake hunger for thirst. So if you are tempted, first drink a glass of water and wait half an hour. My besetting sin was crisps, I could not resist them. Since Christmas I have told myself I can have crisps whenever I like. But I would have to make them myself at home. Just never wanted them that much yet! It would be a faff to make them, waiting for the oven to warm up, skinny slices to be chopped. One way of dealing with our food temptations is not to have them in the house. But tell yourself if you really, really want it, you can go out and get it. Then there is the water thing. Also make sure you are never feeling hungry. Pile your plate at meal times with low kcal veg. Make some vege soup, and some sugarfree jellies. And if after all this you do need a little extra, have it. But nothing grabbed and stuffed in. Think about it really seriously. What exactly would satisfy you? And then make it well and eat it slowly. So if it is a bar of something, cut it up into slices, put it on a pretty plate, decide what you are going to drink with it and then have it. We do all need a treat, now and then. So plan some in, then you won't feel quite so deprived. Love to hear what works for you.
thanks so much. I will definitely let you know. I thinks when iboils down to it, its down to willpower?
Hi again ollio ,
I think Venusflytrap has given you some excellent suggestions there, and the thing is that it takes a while to develop new habits, and so just try to keep positive and focus on satisfying your body with healthy nutrients and wean yourself off those things that you no longer wish to include in your daily meal plans. Your taste buds will adapt - and if you are able to wean yourself off the diet drinks (which do have a very very sweet hit), then your taste buds will begin to appreciate the naturally sweet taste of vegetables, fruits, and other nutritious foods. You'll probably enjoy your food more as a result. I know I do, now I have reduced my sugar consumption, and I don't have any diet drinks anymore either, which really helps to savour the taste of whatever drink I do choose instead.
Have a great week.
Hi Zest Just been reading that post by Dave1961 and several people mentioned the Future Learn free online courses. Have looked at the website and found it so interesting. Am seriously thinking about signing up for a course. Thanks so much for posting that thread as reading about the courses has given me a great boost today
Hi Muffintop67,
I know that Dave1961 would be thrilled to know you found the thread helpful, and it's great that you are boosted today and that you're looking into some online courses - it can be really great to do continued learning and courses. I hope you find something you really enjoy.
Have a great day.
I did one a year or so on the Ebola Virus, and also I found another very meaningful web, Love your Liver, It has a self test quiz which is excellent and a newsletter online free, it really explains a lot of what they are trying to achieve and in a very enjoyable way to read and interact. it actually relates to food as well as drink etc. Two different websites but both interesting. Also FutureLearn did one I think on liver.
To ollio & Zest ,
Really with you on that one, Lowcal. Been having one coffee with sweetner and skimmed milk a day (cutting back on carbs and fruit). I had today's for breakfast and one sweetner was teeth achingly sweet. Will have to go back to the powdered stuff so that I can have half a tsp. Yet yesterday's was lovely! Bodies and their moods - go figure!
I try and only buy diet drinks if they have sucralose in them as a sweetener as I thought that was more natural. I seem to remember reading somewhere that America do not put aspartame in their diet Pepsi anymore. I know that aspartame has been linked to headache. More research is needed on the effects of these artificial additives me thinks!
Hi Ollio
Apart from any possible problems from the sweetener, you also need to be aware that the phosphoric acid can damage tooth enamel and possibly affect bone health.
If you are drinking the caffeinated variety this can be a lot of caffeine in a day, which can be associated with headaches and can be addictive, making giving them up quite a struggle.
Best to keep them for an occasional drink only!
Soft drinks are one of those things that can creep up on you. It is hard to cut them out, but once you do, you don't miss them. I used to have diet coke every day, but I cut all soft drinks out entirely - only drinking water, even in restaurants. It sucks for a few days, then you're fine.
I do have some soft drinks occasionally, only as a mixer if I'm out drinking (very rarely).
I fill a glass bottle I was given with pressed apple juice as a gift a Christmas, as it has a lid, with water, and cut a bit of lemon thinly into it, and leave it in fridge. The bottle takes 750 mls, so it doesn't take long to get through. I then top it up again with same lemon in, so by the time I get through that I know I have had one and a half litres extra of water, to what I would usually drink in teas and milk on cereal etc. It takes me a day and a half to get through that extra water then I start again after washing bottle of course and new piece of lemon. The glass makes the water less plasticky tasting. I think it helps as we are all probably eating more of the fibre rich foods like lentils, veg, pulses, wholemeal bread etc etc if we are trying to eat less refined foods. of course we need to have adequate water also with these foods as they bulk up.