I have a dilemma and need some advice please. My friend was a strong person very confident. Last year she had a major panic attack which affected her in so many ways. She used to go to the gym by herself but since her attack need someone to go with. This is where I come in.
My gym costs £17.99, close to home and I like it attend 6 days a week. Just equipment.
Hers is £39.99, take 20 min drive there and then 20mins back. Never been so no idea if I would like it. She attends school terms maybe once a week. Swimming pool etc.
To attend her gym means struggle to afford and no personal trainer. Mine can afford and have a personal trainer once a month.
I would probably end up on my own most of the time.
Do I change gym's knowing this would benefit my friend by getting fit and do something she enjoys. Struggle to pay.
Stay at mine and hope that she gets the confidence to go back herself.