Has anyone used lone of these. I am eating healthily but not really losing weight. I decided I must watch my portion sizes. Is this a god way of doing it?
Diet Food Plate: Has anyone used lone of... - Weight Loss Support
Diet Food Plate

I personally wouldn't spend the money, just imagine the lines on your plate!
Portion control is the way to go as far as I'm concerned whether you decide to use a Diet Food Plate or not. I personally have continued using my normal dinner plate but altered the amount of carbs I eat e.g. 3 small new potatoes. One thing to try is putting your vegetables (we have 4) on the plate first then your piece of lean meat or fish and finally your potatoes. You don't need to cut back on the amount of food you eat just what types of food.
I gradually cut back on how much bread I ate at the beginning of my journey and have found that open sandwiches work well for me. I have 2 slices of granary bread and cut each piece in 4 and spread them out on the plate, with green salad on the side, this all take quite a long time to eat and I think this is very important.
One last point, if you have breakfast cereal check out what a portion size should be. For a few mornings weigh out a portion, you will soon know how much to put in your dish without weighing.
I hope you acheive all that wish for and don't forget there are lots of people on here supporting you!!
hi Jano432 one thing your right about is portion sizes, plus when your have your meal not only look at what your eating but have much fat is in your meal that your eating, the main reason i say this, for example, bacon sandwich every ones favor, do you cut the fat of the bacon before you cook it, any meat you have is it white meat, chicken, turkey, fish, things like this, red meat is o.k in small portions like once a month, cutting down on your spuds, increase your veg, eat low fat yogurts, skimmed milk, if your mobile enough the weight will drop off, if not and your like me do little walking each day for a hour or so can help you lose the weight. i hope this helps, let me know if i can help further take care..... Alan
wow there my friend, i was only trying to help didn't need a lecture on what the body does, i've been a diabetic for 44 years i know what the body does, all i was doing was trying to help, but it looks like you are one step in front take care......Alan
hi there its ok i thought it was funny the way you put it, i was laughing my head of reading it, that why i said what i said, i'm glad that you have your head on right, many people today have forgotten what having a good meal is today. many thanks for your reply take care.......Alan
There is an image produced by (I think) the NHS called the "eat well plate" and keeping this image in ind is helpful 😊 I will try to post a link but my computer skills are not good!!