Hi, i am new to this and just wanted to say hello and explain what my aim is. I am very overweight in my eyes and medical eyes. I have tried every diet from slim fast all thr way through to slimming world and weight watchers, slimming world use to work but all of a sudden it stopped working which has resulted in my weight increasing by more tha 6 stone over a 4 year period and it is getting to a stage now where i don't want to leave the house but i have to for work commitments. I need support from others who are experiencing the same issues as myself when trying to lose weight.
Something new: Hi, i am new to this and... - Weight Loss Support
Something new

Hi Millie200187,
Welcome to the forum! We have a 'Welcome Newbie' post, which contains a lot of information that you might like to have a look at - it basically showcases things that people on the forum have enjoyed or liked about the forum, and it does have some great tips and advice, as well as information about the various challenges that take place here. So I'd recommend having a read through of it, and maybe you'd like to join in some things, if anything takes your fancy:
The Monday group weigh-in sessions are well attended - you can see the latest thread in the 'Events' section of the homepage (right-hand-side), and you'd be very welcome to join us for that if you like the idea of a group weigh-in.
Wishing you a great weekend and all the best with your goals.
Hi Millie,
Welcome, I can't add anymore than what Lowcal has said, do have a look at the the newbie pack it's full of info😃
For me, the best I can say is that this is not a 'diet' it's about making lifestyle changes. You will be reducing daily calories and upping your activity but it will be worth it !!😃
Do measure yourself at the start of your journey, those inches lost are as important as the Ibs !!😃
Enjoy it and I look forward to hearing how you get on

Hiya, thank you for your reply it is nice to hear I am not the only one feeling the way I do. No I have never measured myself but I aim to do this on sunday in readiness for Monday when my new journey begins.

Hi and welcome Millie
Our stories sound very similar, except that I had no work commitments and didn't leave the house. Through shame, I confined myself to quarters and it's thanks to this amazing forum and wonderful members that I'm now 4st lighter and back out in the world! I'm going to give you a link to a part of my story, so that you can see that anything is possible
Wishing you all the very best
Welcome Millie and, like flossie said, this is more a lifestyle change than a "diet" I would only add to suggest that you keep a food diary and write down everything that you eat, weigh it and count the calories too, the 12 week plan works and the great support from other members here will soon have you shedding the weight, have a great weekend and the best of luck with Mondays weigh in John
Good luck Millie There's lots of help and support on this forum !
I am the same - I have lost weight numerous times over the years and always put it back on! I am now back to square one again. Can't seem to motivate myself! Good luck to you with the plan x
I am having the same problem and not able to get around because of other problems as not walking has put 20 lbs on me. My Dr. is of no help he tells me the usual take some water pills which I am afraid of as it is a temporary drain. what is a good diet like and is there any over the counter pills to help..
Firstly welcome It's clear you want to make changes to your lifestyle to lose some weight- and you've come to the right place! The group here are amazing, even though each member has their own personal goal and circumstances, we are all here to reach and maintain a healthy weight.
Life is there to enjoy and it'd be a shame to let those extra pounds get in the way! If you are truthful to yourself, sitting inside and not leaving the house is not what you want. It may make you feel better short-term but its bound to open up another can of worms.
I have no doubt that with the support of this forum you can start making the small steps you need. There's no miracle wand (unfortunately) and it will take time and hardwork. There will be times you will feel like giving up, but it's time to look after yourself and love the person you are.
Just message me if you ever need anything.
Good luck, make yourself proud.
Hi Millie and welcome
I used to not want to leave the house due to my weight and like you had to due to work commitments, but one day I told myself that I can make a change and it's up to me to make that change. This is when I started to believe in myself and changed my mind set. Before I would just give up, but not this time. Time was different. I found this great community like you and eventually started to join in. I followed the nhs 12 plan and it worked. I have continued to follow what I have learned ever since and have lost over 6 stones and You can too
Begin to believe in yourself and your ability to make a change and I can tell you from experience that the longer you stick with these changes you make today the happier you will become in yourself and feel confident when leaving the house.
I wish you every success on your journey Millie best wishes x
Like others have said, you CAN do it 😊 This forum is great for support and encouragement 😊 small goals work for me, my initial target was 5% then 10% weight loss. Also finding a way of eating which suits you and your lifestyle, a permanent change. good luck! 😊
There are a lot of lovely messages here and I thank you dearly because you are really motivating me to get up and go. I have printed week 1 of the 12 week plan so lets see how I do. X
Don't forget to tell us how you get on. Fingers crossed for a great first week.
I signed up 2 weeks ago but am finding it very hard I have 8 stone+ to loose and seemed to have been on a diet all my life. I have started reading people's comments which are helping me to think from this Monday I am going to start and really try so you are not alone.
Dont look at the worst of your weight.just think ok. Im going to do it..take each week as it comes.some will be disappointing at first as i didnt lose a pound for two weeks..But now l look back ive lost 20pounds in eight weeks and im eating well....so as each week comes its a shock lost four pounds this week and ive had a treat of fish and chips...so you can still have a little of ehat you fancy...only ocasional...so i wish you well on your journey and welcome..everybody on here helps each other through our crisis...Good luck new you xx