Food:truth or scare BBC1 9.15 am weekdays.Well worth a watch
TV programme: Food:truth or scare BBC1... - Weight Loss Support
TV programme

Hi John-Bailey,
Thanks for this, I've already set my TV recorder to ensure I record these programmes, as they do look like a good programme to watch.
Thanks for letting us know.

Thanks John, I will find it in iPlayer!
Have just downloaded episode 1 on iplayer. Will get ep. 2 on iplayer tomorrow and have set the rest to record. Caught a bit of today's, very interesting. Thanks.
I have been watching glad it confirms the no carbs unless complex or max of 80g if not dieting. I noted the thing about selenium, checked my thyroid supplement and having never looked at it properly realised I had probably been overdosing (when I remember) because I had self prescribed a max dose of selenium capsules lol Just aswell I mostly forget to take anything. I am also prescribed 5mg Folic which is approx 10 times the daily rate, I normally have absorption issues. Thinking will lay off that for a while too, based on the amounts you actually need to achieve all daily needs for all minerals and vits, I don't need anything like that dose and its in my thyroid sup anyway.
If you look at where your veg comes from its easy to see how things can get confusing. Veg from this country is low, if any, in selenium, most imported is high.
It's been interesting checking out the issues that they bring up especially regarding type 2 diabetes and potential to become diabetic etc. Apparently I am not pre based on last blood tests and own monitor, but will check my fasting sugar every so often, so did it again today.
Thanks for the heads up. I knew I should have read the radio times. Off to record it and catch up with the rest.
Yes I have been watching it - Great Stuff
The breakfasts episode today was interesting!
Haven't seen anything about it, thanks for posting this...I will go have a look-see!