So it's the 22nd Feb...... And I have have not lost a pound!!
January came and went, I kept telling myself it's cold,start slow,don't beat yourself up,you only live once, and all the other crap you tell yourself when you just can not admit something!!
( is this making sense? ) so I went shopping yesterday for some clothes,took my normal size in to the changing room........And to my utter disgust they were far to tight!!! Gutted or what......
So what to do ? Start again ? Be absolutely miserable ? OR pick myself up,dust myself off......and one day at at time.... Today is another day 1 π³π€ I have 10lbs to lose (again) and I am 5 ft 3, and look ok at 9.7 or 9.4 perfect.....
Fingers crossed & onwards and upwards xxxxx
Have a good day my NHS buddies πππ