In 2013 i weighed over 15 stone and within a year i got down to 10 stone 11lbs a total weight loss of 5 stone 7lbs ( 34.9kg). Now i am back up to 12 stone 2 lbs.. as a result of eating my emotions i need some support i feel so alone in this. I am 25 years old and mother to two children
slipping down the slope: In 2013 i... - Weight Loss Support
slipping down the slope

Hi Storm4mozza,
Welcome to the forum. There's a great 'Welcome Newbie' pack - please look at the Pinned posts section (right-hand-side of homepage) - definitely worth a read.
Also, here's a link to the NHS 12 week plan:
I know you said you feel so alone currently with things, and I would also recommend that you might like to join in our Monday group weigh-in - please see the 'Events' section (again top right-hand-side of homepage) for a link to the latest thread. The next weigh-in will be on Monday 15th February - and we'd love to have you on board with us, if you fancy joining in.
Definitely post regularly and interact with other posters, and you'll soon get to know people - it's a friendly and supportive community, and I hope to see you around and about. Good luck with your goals.
Thankyou so so much
Maybe you can get some local support, prob unrelated to food, maybe to do with school?
I know that at times we just need to focus on furling ourselves and nothing else, take care x
Thankyou so so much
Hi! You are definitely not alone. Forget about the past and what you used to weigh. You are a mum now and your body, your life and your priorities have changed.
So, what do you want to achieve now? If you eat healthily at meal times and get more exercise, you will feel better and you are being a really good example to your children. You have recognised that you are an emotional eater, so think about why you feel like you do. And rather than reach for the biscuit tin (or whatever your trigger for over eating is), come on this forum and just write down how you are feeling. I guarantee that someone out there will have felt the same and be able to offer some support.
Good luck, and let me know how you go on x
Thankyou so so much
set yourself small goals and join us , work on achieving those fro m now onwards and you will soon feel great again. work out in a detatched way how you would tell someone else to do it. then make your mind up, I have wasted 25 years being over weight for the sake of making my mind up and doing something about it . good luck you are amongst friends here. x
Thankyou so so much
Thankyou so so much
You are defo not alone, as you will have gathered from the replies you already received! I think quite a few of us are emotional eaters. One seldom meets a person who actually WANTS to be overweight, so there's defo a psychological link involved. I've been learning more about myself and my poor relationship with food than I think I had ever realised before, since I started in September. Hopefully I slowly am developing the tools I need to beat the demons! I'm sure you will find this place motivating and the people are very friendly. Good luck on your journey!

As long as you stick with us storm, you'll never be alone. Together we can beat the battle of the bulge!
ty everyone x