I was hungry all day! This is my fourth week on my healthy eating plan. And up until yesterday I've been fine! No hunger at all, i went to bed hungry, woke up hungry! Actually a growling tum! My husband thinks it's hilarious! Said it kept him awake listening to it! I've eaten exactly the same foods - so why am I so hungry!! Any ideas anyone! Before I start chewing my arm!!!
Yesterday...: I was hungry all day... - Weight Loss Support

i wish I knew the answer!! Sone days I can get by with the lower end of my food allowance, others days it just isnt enough! I cannot bear being hungry so I try to listen to my body and if I am REALLY hungry i eat something, fruit, hot milk, whokemeal toast . . . Something low calorie that doesn't blow the budget . . . calculating calories on a weekly basis allows for this . . . Good luck! 😊
Thanks Anna61, maybe I'll up my calories a little I'm very busy at the moment, so I hope I can keep on track! Don't want to blow it!
I'm with you on that. If you're genuinely hungry, I 100% agree that you should eat something, that something being the sort you mentioned in your post. Our bodies are funny things, but I don't think we'll go far wrong if we occasionally 'listen' to what they're telling us.
Are you drinking enough water?
Now that is something I wondered about last night! No I'm probably not! Will it help with the hunger?
Hi Jesterpuss1
Sorry to hear you're struggling with hunger. I agree with Scubasteve about drinking more water. I do drink tap water but also enjoy a sparkling natural spring water. Coop just now have Celtic Spring 2litres for 19p, and a still version if you prefer. I sometimes add this to no added sugar Ribena which has lots of vitamin C. Any no added sugar eg Robinsons apple and black currant are also low in calories but help me to feel less hungry. Try a cup made with hot water for added comfort. Some people have a problem with some of the sweeteners but I don't worry with the small quantities I drink and know how much it helps me to stay on track. Good luck with that growling tummy☕️🍇

Hi Mimsta, thanks for your reply, I will get some sparkling water and try juice. I do think I need to drink more! Hopefully this will work for me! Thanks again 😊

I had this same problem at around week 6, suddenly I was starving hungry and feeling very tired. I posted about it here and was given the advice that for my size, I could have more calories than 1400.
What I hadn't realised was that as I got fitter, I was exercising a whole lot more than at the beginning and that uses up a lot of calories.
So since then, I have allowed myself around 1500-1600 calories a day and I still lose an average of 2lbs a week and can exercise effectively. I feel so much better for the higher calorie allowance and have lost nearly 4 stone now!
Hi LotToLose, I have cut down drastically, and maybe I need to look at my calorie intake! I'm very busy at the moment, rushing around and really struggling to find time for anything! Thanks for your reply 😁

Hi Jesterpuss1,
I see you had a hungry day yesterday. Lots of people have already given you some good suggestions, and I was wondering how you're feeling today? Any better?
I hope so! I also hope your sprain is healing up after lugging that fridge freezer around the other night.
Here's to a great and hopefully non-hungry Wednesday, and to a great remainder of the week.
Hi Lowcal, I don't seem just as hungry thanks. I'm taking the advice and drinking more. And ill have a look at my calorie intake later when I have a minute. It was just such a surprise to me as I haven't been hungry at all! It would have been so.... easy to cheat!
My strain is much better today thank you! But I won't be forgetting THAT fridge freezer for a while!
Hope you're having a good week! Thanks for your reply! 😊
HI Jesterpuss,
Really glad you're feeling a bit better today and less hungry. Glad your strain is much better too.
My week is going ok thanks. We're half-way through already - where does the time go?
The answer when I feel starving is to increase the size of my lean protein portions and add more veg to the plate. Veg soups are great for this. My final addition is a big plate of fresh fruit chopped up into a fruit salad, with a tbsp of plain low fat yog. I usually have a banana, an apple plus two small easy peel oranges. This does work. I think sometimes the sudden drop in the temperature can trigger hunger. Turn up the heating? Just a couple of degrees. After putting on an extra jumper etc, of course.
Hi Venusflytrap, thanks for the advice, I am still struggling a bit with hunger! Ill try a bit of extra lean protein and veg. At the moment i'm having porridge for breakfast, 4 ryvitas topped with low fat cottage cheese and cherry tomatoes, plus 3 strawberries and a banana chopped and topped with low fat yoghurt for lunch. And lean protein and lots of veg for tea! Then a couple of Jaffa cakes with a cuppa mid evening! Do you think I'm eating too much? I've never been too good at counting calories! 😟
I think this problem MIGHT get better for you, I'm not struck down with this problem so often these days (started on here in late Sept).
Lots of good advice above, but it might be worth saying that it's critical to have some well chosen snack foods available for these crunch "starvation" moments. My fave's are: pack of rice cakes (good to chomp on in the car on the way back from work so that I don't arrive in the kitchen at home in starvation mode!) and lots of fruit (get a variety in stock so that you feel you have a choice available - I always chuck some fruit into my handbag for work so that if I get the munches I have something appetising but of limited damage potential(!) to hand.
Good luck - you sound as if you are well on your way!

Hi Runningsoon, maybe I just need to carry on and the hungry episodes will get less! I do eat fruit but I'm tending to use it as part of a meal because I read online that - fruit is in fact sugar and even though natural contains calories that soon add up, if you have a few different fruits throughout the day! Maybe it's because I'm getting older but I don't seem to lose weight as easily nowadays!
Thanks for replying and good luck with your weight loss, it sounds like your well ahead of me 😊 x
Hi Jester, Good ideas from Running there. I must admit I have always been a big fruit eater, and veg too, if it comes to that. When I had 5 stone to lose, I ate an apple, 2 easy peel oranges and a banana a day. Plus up to 3 frozen portions or cans of fruit in juice drained. By the time goal was in view, I was still having the fresh but the canned or frozen had come down to about half a can. The fruit does contain sugar but it is wrapped up with fibre, so as long as it's a whole fruit, you won't get sugar spikes. Think of which veg you would like to munch on too. Some of my favourites are carrot sticks, cucumber, celery, peppers (try different colours), sugar snap peas, mange tout, baby sweetcorn. I also like raw swede, but not many other people do. I think these go a lot further if you have a little mixture to dip them in. I like plain low fat yog with anything spicy or salad dressings. Quark is quite good too, although I would usually add some flavouring. If you're not big on kcal counting, then you need to have some method of managing your intake or you will just be eating what is there and all the effort with few results. One thing to do is check each food as you buy it and if the kcal are too high, replace it with a lower options. Remember to compare the serving size as well as the 100g nutritional info. It is also worth deciding what your serving size is. A lot of us got heavy by eating all the right foods but in too large portions. It is probably worth looking at the NHS 12 week healthy eating plan. It will take you gradually in small steps towards where you want to be. Have a look at
I am sure you will find it helpful. Good luck with your next week.