Hi all, catching up with you all today ( seems like an eternity since I last logged on). I have been flat out at work (6 1/2 days last week) and by the time I left at midday yesterday I felt wretched. After a great Friday night shift, Saturday and Sunday nights were appalling. I have just started a course of steroids too as my asthma is playing up a bit, this is usual for the time of year when summer starts to give way to autumn, but I have to be extra careful now as my right lung is very damaged ( when I had all my surgery a couple of years ago I also had cardio-thoracic surgery) My workload isn't helping the situation, nor the fact that when I do get chance to rest I can't shut down. Aaannnnyway, the steroids have me in their grip and I know that I will put on weight, the course is 10 days instead of the usual 5. I am resigned to the weight gain, won't lie and say it isn't bothering me because it is, but my health comes first and being fat and alive is better than a thin corpse!!! It is frustrating knowing that I have been doing so well to lose nearly 2 stone and that a big portion of that will go back on and then be extra hard to get off again. Just stopping the steroids doesn't mean the weight just comes back off unfortunately.
This is life though, and life has a habit of throwing dirty great spanners at times. BUT, I will wash off the dirt this time and recover from the 'bruises' they have caused. Food will not be my shield and weapon of choice anymore. IT ISN'T MY WEAPON OF CHOICE ANYMORE.
Well it is time to go into work and do another 6 hours ( yep, today is supposed to be my day off, but social workers/ psychologists etc... tend to like to work in daylight hours). I will also be revising a diet for a meds dependent diabetic so hopefully this will help my resolve to stay on track myself.
Have a super day everyone, I will be catching up on your recent posts when I get home this evening ( yay, actually get to sleep in my bed tonight!!). Needing lots of positivity in posts to spur me on, no doom and gloom, lol. 😜