hey guys.
so where to start?i don't mean to bore anyone with all the details of my weight loss struggles with endless stories of my journey,eating up your homepage. Officially, i began this journey at around late February, after countless diets which turned out to be epic failures. However, towards the end of the second month of the year, i decide to put all the excuses aside, suck t up and go INN. Surprisingly this time it actually worked as i managed to stay completely disciplined and realistic with myself. before i knew it , the pounds started shedding off like nobody's business. four months passed by and i had lost a whooping 30 pounds. i hadn't been so proud of myself. i was actually losing weight. Under normal circumstances, such improvement is likely to motivate someone and boost their morale, but or me that's where i just stagnated. i'm not really sure what happened but it's like whatever it was that kept me gong psychologically just wasn't there anymore. it's like i stopped caring as much as i used to.
So June and July passed without any weight loss and me getting more and more frustrated by the day. i would end up making solemn promises to myself the night before about how the following day was going to be different.how my diet would be clean, etc.(but they always backfired) Come August,i began to regain my stability and lose another 5 pounds. my comeback was finally here! i couldn't have been happier.
However,since September started, i feel like nothing has been working out. i find myself beginning to binge days on end , and then guilting myself as i lay in my bed each night. i don't think i've ever been this frustrated. what's happening to me? what happened to that determined consistent girl? i really don't want to go back t being overweight. i mean i have just 13 pounds left to reach my weight goal, so why is it becoming so hard to say no to that thick slice of cake or that pack of biscuits all of a sudden? what's worse is that i end u hating myself more each day.
please help guys. is there anyone out there who can relate to this? i feel like i am literally on the verge of giving up. is there any hope?