Christmas is coming . Does anyone want... - Weight Loss Support

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Christmas is coming . Does anyone want to share their targets for Christmas/the end of 2015? It's not too late to join the party :)

sueper profile image
106 Replies


So I started seriously trying to lose weight in February. At that point I thought maybe I could lose 5 stones in a year or even maybe just 3 by Christmas.

So far I have managed over 50lb so I have decided to set myself a target of 5 stones by the end of this year. That is only another 17.5lb so now wondering if I an being a bit easy on myself :)

Anyone else care to share?

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sueper profile image
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106 Replies

Hi Sueper,

Christmas !!! well today shops full of cards etc so you are right it's coming!!!

Your target sounds really achievable, I don't think you are being easy on self just realistic. Life and living does get the way of weight loss and it's all about living in my book. Yes have goals but taking a slow steady approach so we get there and stay there using all we have learned in the process. Whew !!

I have set a goal of 7Ibs off by 8/10/15 then off on a weeks holiday and know will gain a bit but ok about it. Christmas right let's set a date..... I get weighed on a Friday so on 18/12/15 I hope to have lost a further 7Ibs and be at goal.

We can do it and anything else is a bonus🎄🎁🎈🎀🍸🍻

Thanks for the challenge, have a lovely week


sueper profile image
sueper in reply to

Hi Flossie,

18/12 or there abouts seems like a good date. I shall put it in my diary :)

I also plan to be good between Christmas & New Year but we'll see how that goes ;)

Now that summer is pretty much over (did we have one?) I think people will be focussing on getting into something slinky for Christmas so it is a good time to focus our efforts. I have a weeks holiday beginning of October so I am factoring that into my target.

Good luck :)

Portlandprincess profile image

For me it's 'softly softly....' Aiming for a pound a week and delighted if it's my eye on the sparkly dresses so the inches mean more to if I could wear a size 14 dress at will be sparkly, and indecently short for a 50 year I care.NO....Yeah...thanks for asking...I like this goal...need to go shopping now!😉

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Portlandprincess

It's hard for me to say, cos I'm right at the beginning of my journey and have no idea how my body's going to respond. However a stone would be nice and 2 stone would be super duper :)

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to moreless

Hi moreless, once you've been at it for a few weeks you will have a better idea of what you might be able to achieve.

Fingers crossed for your target :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to moreless

Quick update as this post has been brought to the fore again. As I've now lost the first stone, I'm going to stick my neck out and aim for the 2nd :)

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to moreless

Smashing your Christmas target already hey! Good on you :)

Good luck with stone number 2 for Christmas :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to sueper

Thanks Sueper, but I think I may be punching above my weight (that would be a first) :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to moreless

I'm back again, I've smashed the 2st goal :)

I'm going for the wildcard now I've got 5.5lbs to my 2.5st marker - to achieve that would be beyond my wildest dreams, but a challenge is supposed to challenge, so I'd better get cracking! :)

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to moreless

Good luck moreless - you're putting me to shame ;)

I've just noticed your original target was 1 or maybe 2 stones!

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to sueper

When you posted this thread, I had literally just started on my journey and had no idea what I was capable of. I thank you for throwing out this challenge and making me work. I may not hit the 3rd target, but I'll have a damn good stab at it :)

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to Portlandprincess

Hi Portlandprincess,

A size 14 slinky number for Christmas seems like a fab goal to me :) They will be in the shops before you know it so happy shopping.

Good luck :)

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to sueper

Now look...I'm getting all excited about Christmas and the summer sun has just arrived😄

in reply to Portlandprincess

Hi PP,

Yes !! you can wear a short sparkly dress And you will!! Start looking now and a pair of shoes👠👠 ( they took some finding lol)


Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to

Like those...where did you get them from?🐝

June1965 profile image
June1965 in reply to Portlandprincess


Crack me up 😜😛😝 !!! I'm in the 50 club and yeah pets be a bit daring.......... I don't do dresses, but love a bit of sparkle ✨💫🎊🎉🎄 especially at Christmas

Diana profile image
Diana in reply to June1965

I hate sprinkles , I feel like an over sized Christmas bauble! I do dresses tho!

kitkat34 profile image

Yes I'm in 14 ibs for Xmas

yes plsease2

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to kitkat34

A sensible target - good luck :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI

Hi Sueper,

Congratulations again on your fantastic weight loss to date. It is inspirational. Great that you've set another target to achieve by the end of this year. Good luck! :-)

A really good idea to set goals for Christmas. I'm wondering how many weeks there are till then, and no doubt my curiosity will get the better of me, and I'll have to check it out! :-)

My ultimate goal is to get to 12 stone 7 pounds. I am 13 stone 4.8 pounds today, so that means I need to lose 11.8 pounds. It is such a struggle to get down there though, I have been 'hovering' at my current weight for absolutely ages (up a bit, down a bit, up a bit, down a bit etc) - but I will put it as a target to try to attain by Christmas 2015 (I have to put the year in, to remind myself not to 'hover around' for another year!

So yes, I accept that goal as my challenge for the remainder of this year, and I hope to celebrate Christmas with a non-food reward if and when I achieve it - maybe a sparkly Christmas dress.

Good luck to everyone with their Christmas/End of Year goals.

Lowcal :-)

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to Zest

Hi Lowcal, you have done so well so far, such a shame you seem to be a bit stuck :( I guess it happens to many as they get closer to their goal.

Fingers crossed his your Christmas goal and can reward yourself with a sparkly little number :)

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to sueper

Hi Sueper,

I just want to 'update' my Christmas goal here, as I have changed it from when I first wrote about it a couple of months back. I am now hoping to get 'into the 12's' by Christmas. The reason is that I know it will be extremely challenging for me to do that - so I don't want to set myself up to fail by trying to achieve 12 stone 7 pounds - I feel that aiming to get below 13 stone is sufficient challenge for me, and hopefully achievable. I'm 'maintaining' my weight loss of over 5 stone currently, and I've managed to do that for well over a year at least, so I know I've acheived in terms of doing that, and I don't want to set myself an unrealistic Christmas target.

Having posts like this is so motivating to help us to achieve our goals, so thank you so much for setting it up. I also love the Kicking the Kms post that Lizzie is doing. Both have really helped me - in addition to all the supportive people in the Monday Weigh-in group posts too.

I love this community forum. :-)

Lowcal :-)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to Zest

You and me both Lowcal, it feels like home :)

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to Zest

Hi Lowcal, I have noted your amended target - I fear I could be going that way too!

Maintaining an over 5 stone loss is a fantastic achievement so well done you :)

You are right this is a fantastic forum :)

Portlandprincess profile image
Portlandprincess in reply to Zest

Hi Low cal, ....slinky and sparkles thinking we'll look good in something byonce style.....

Zest profile image
ZestHealthy BMI in reply to Portlandprincess

I like your thinking! :-)

Spader profile image

Congrats on the weight loss so far and good luck with your goal.

I'm aiming for a stone (or more!) A stone would put me at 11stone 3lbs and into my healthy BMI for the first time in I can't remember when. Probably when I was 11 years ago. Yikes.

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to Spader

Hi Spader, good luck with your 1 stone target. A healthy BMI is a fantastic goal to aim for.

Good luck :)

Sounds like you're in line for the best Christmas present ever! Enjoy every moment; you deserve it :D

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to

Do you fancy risking a target Gollibooboo?

in reply to sueper

12st. 7lbs #fatchance ;)

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to

Good luck! #wecandoit :)

Good luck for your Christmas goal Sueper! I think it's a great idea to have a goal in mind, especially as Christmas can be quite challenging foodwise, not to mention seeing people you might not see the rest of the year (who will hopefully be full of compliments!). So it will be good to go into it feeling confident that we've achieved solid weightloss, rather than approach it with dread about food and family challenges etc. For me I think my target will be to maintain (after reaching my goal, which will hopefully be in the next couple of weeks) and not undo my hard work.

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to

Hi Ruth, maintenance is maybe the hardest target of them all (obviously I don't know this from experience ;) )

Keeping everything crossed for you that you hitting that target will come soon and will stick around :)

I hope you will sticking around to give us your support even when you are the picture of perfection :)

in reply to sueper

Hardly perfection, but at the point I aimed to reach. Will def stick around. Not planning to take maintenance lightly at all. I'm sure you won't either when you get there! My new healthy weight needs to be permanent :)

fussybird profile image

I'm in too. My goal is 28lbs off by Christmas, that'll have me back to my weight 18 months ago, a weight I've been for several years. In the new year I will tackle the remaining 2 stones of excess I've been carrying for those several years. My goal is 10st, healthy, slim, much more agile, etc.

My in-laws just gave me a next voucher for my birthday a week ago, and I'm going to use it to buy a (smaller) dress to wear on Christmas day.

Keep up the good work everyone x

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to fussybird

Wow, that is a big target but only about 2lb so still achievable :)

Enjoy your shopping for a smaller Christmas dress - such a fab feeling buyer smaller clothes!

Good luck :)

fussybird profile image
fussybird in reply to sueper

I have several items of clothing that will fit even with a 14lb loss, looking forward to it. Fortunate to be walking with my other half in the evenings again, and riding half way to school with my youngest, so about 500 cals in phys per day being used too.

See you at Monday weigh in, haven't done that for weeks x

Fran182716 profile image

I've already bought this years Christmas Day dress! Last years is a size 16 which is already a little loose. The new one is a small 14 so to fit in it comfortably is my goal ☀️

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to Fran182716

How lovely it will be to be in a smaller dress for Christmas - so much nicer than being a size (like me last year).

Good luck with your goal :)

I truly think you are being sensible with aiming for 17 1/2 lbs. It is still quite a large amount to lose. I remained the same on the scales this week, I'm fine about that but won't be if next week is the same. I worked out there are 15 Monday weigh-ins ( from yesterday) until xmas week. I would like to lose another 14lbs by then, so that is my target.

Good luck 😊

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to

A lb a week is very sensible :) I often manage 2lb but I have to factor in my holiday in Malta.

I hope the scales move in the right direction for you next week.

Good luck with your Christmas goal :)

Dave1961 profile image

I would like to say I will have well and truly broken into the 110's - I'll say 115 kg by Dec 31st.

Thats a kilo a week which is quite doable at my size.

Great post - always good to think about out goals :)

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to Dave1961

Your goal is noted Dave. Good luck :)

trafford1 profile image

Hi sueper and what a great challenge for us to set a goal to reach by Christmas. Shall I say I would like to break into the 10's by Christmas so that is a weight loss of 17 lbs in 15 weeks. I think this is a really good target for me as it is getting harder to drop the lbs these days and find I am having to work extra hard every single day now.

I hope you reach you target by Christmas too it will be a very close race for both of us :-)

Best of luck chick :-)

Trafford1 x

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to trafford1

Hi Trafford - 17lb each then. I suspect mine might be easier as I still have loads to go. I am of course hoping for more but as I have already reduced my 5 stone target by 2 months I will still be chuffed to bits with that.

Good luck :)

WeightWarrior profile image

I didn't know swearing was allowed on here - you said Ch....!!! Seriously tho, I worked out, from this Monday 7th Sept weigh in we've just done, it's 15 more Monday weigh ins before Ch...(oops nearly said it again!). I want to lose at least a pound a week, so that's 15 lbs. If I lose more, I shall be rejoicing. Thank you for inspiring us to set a fixed target, and good luck with your target too!

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to WeightWarrior

Thanks WeightWarrior. A lb a week is sensible and like you I will be happy with more :)

It will be so great going into a new year being so much lighter :)

Good luck with your target :)

nickynoo77 profile image

Hi sueper (and everyone else)

Can I join in please? I currently weigh 13st 8lb and would like to lose 15lbs by Christmas which would take me to 12st 7lb my lowest weight since I can't remember when! Any more than that would be a bonus 😃 Onwards and downwards losers (in the nicest possible way) 😁

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to nickynoo77

You are more than welcome Nicky :)

Good luck with your target :)

libbydaniels88 profile image

50 lbs ! That's amazing. , congratulations. ! My aim is to still be dieting by Christmas. That might sound obvious but ive had many false starts. Ironically, I wanted to lose 50 lbs back in February and had I started properly then, would have reached a decent weight by now. So my goal is to keep going !

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to libbydaniels88

Hi, keeping going it the hardest thing so a great target to have. I hope you can make this your last false start and start working on those lbs :)

June1965 profile image

Late reply to this one....sorry!!😎

What a great idea......and I'm in, this will help me to focus and remain positive!!!

Good call sueper 😜😛

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to June1965

Glad you are joining us :) Do you wish to share your target ;)

June1965 profile image

Target.......9 Stone 🙏Current weight 9.8lbs....... 🌻👊🏿

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to June1965

Nice sensible target. Good luck ☺

Garfield_123 profile image

I'm very late joining the party but it's eight weeks today and I'm going to be very ambitious and say I would love to be 14,7 on Christmas day (from 15,9 today). I have set more achievable/sensible targets all along the way to my ultimate 12st target but I'm going to stick my neck out and really go for this additional one...

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to Garfield_123

Hi Garfield and welcome to our little challenge. Just over a stone a stone in 2 months is achievable so good luck :)

Garfield_123 profile image

Thanks! Just got to stay focused

Midnight-munchie profile image

Hello I am also very late to the party and only joined you all last week but would love to please still join in. I would be so delighted if I could lose 12 pounds up until christmas! I have a huge amount to lose(8 stone!gulp) but after years of yo yo dieting and decline in health I feel more motivated than I have in years.

I am so amazed by the incredible support and kindness of you all on here and feel so happy to be a part of it!

I am so inspired by the amazing weight losses , well done everyone!This feels like a lifeline!

I am not that tech savvy so bit slow posting and navigating site!

first weigh in tomorrow and cant believe i actually feel excited and more in control of myself and caring for myself.

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to Midnight-munchie

Hi Midnight-Munchie, good to have you on board.

12 lbs by christmas sounds doable especially if you have a lot to lose (join the club).

This is a fab forum and I am sure so many of us would have fallen by the wayside without it.

I will keep an eye out or your first weigh in tomorrow and good luck :)

Midnight-munchie profile image

Thank you so much Sueper,

I was reading your post and am so inspired by your loss it is so amazing you must feel so pleased, it is incredible.

I was worried about joining as get a little hopeless with technical things but everyone seems so wonderful and helpful to each other I think I will get so much from reading every ones posts and feel like it will pull me back from thinking i am stuck in this rut for the rest of my life.

I already find instead of snacking i am on here ,Yey!!

My fruit bowl is smiling again!!/I am going to use the fruit as my escape when i need a snack!

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to Midnight-munchie

Glad this forum is already helping you :) It can be a bit glitchy at times but that is the site and not the people ;)

I started out with over 13 stone to lose - seemed impossible but I am getting there slowly and there are others here doing the same.

Enjoy your fruit :)

Midnight-munchie profile image
Midnight-munchie in reply to sueper

Thank you Sueper I really hope you have a good week and love the Christmas countdown idea, i just have to stay away from the tempting Xmas tree chocs, as they are my downfall so not buying them until the night before christmas this year:-)

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to Midnight-munchie


The xmas choccies will be a challenge - we're all having individual chocolate selections at home to avoid force feeding ourselves the Roses etc no on really likes!

angelm0724 profile image

I would like to lose 10-15lbs by Christmas, thank you for sharing your weight loss journey, I've lost 73lbs in 1 1/2 yrs... I think a healthy 10lbs would be amazing I could fit into a size 10! That would make me soo happy!

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to angelm0724

Wow angel that is an impressive loss :) 10lb sounds achievable and I bet you'd be so chuffed to get into a nice sparkly size 10 number for xmas :)

Debs-1 profile image

Hi Sueper, today is my first day & I think your goal for Christmas is a great idea! I think I'm going to aim for 14lb too, which will bring me down to 15st so really achievable. I've loved reading the posts. Thank you for starting this thread, I am new to these forums, but reading the posts is really inspirational. 😃

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to Debs-1

Hi chunky-monkey, 14lb should be achievable :)

Glad you are enjoying the forum, it truly is a great place.

Good luck with your weight loss :)

ScoobaSteve profile image

Morning sueper, I would like to reach the 12st mark by Christmas, so another 10lb gone would be great! Best of luck to you and everyone else with their targets.

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to ScoobaSteve

Hi ScoobaSteve, that sounds like a achievable target so good luck :)

ScoobaSteve profile image
ScoobaSteve in reply to sueper

Thanks! :)

Bonni1 profile image

I weigh 12 stone

My target is 1 stone off so that works out at a pound of a week from here to Christmas

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to Bonni1

Hi Bonni1 - another one for the stone off :) Good luck :)

Bonni1 profile image

10 pounds by Christmas I want to be 11.4

I'd be so happy and start to look how I used to and have more confidence like I used to

Hi Sueper,

Including this week there is 9 weeks until Christmas Day - eek! By then I would like to lose 18 lbs, taking me down to 14st 12lbs.

Good luck to eveyone else. Sparkly dresses and sharp suits here we come!


sueper profile image
sueper in reply to

Hi Lizzy, scary how soon it is! 2lb a week is achievable so good luck :)

ChrissieBee22 profile image

I'd like to lose 14-21bs, I've only just started the 12 week plan so I'm not sure how quickly it will come off. Anything over a stone would be awesome though!

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to ChrissieBee22

Hi Chrissie, welcome aboard :) I guess it depends how much you have to lose. Usually the first week is a reasonable amount but then most people aim for 1 - 2 lb per week. So 14 lb is pretty achievable and who knows you may hit 21lb. Good luck :)

Wood05 profile image

ah just find this post :)

going to find the christmas run up really hard with all the parties and tasty food alcohol and christmas day!!!! however

I aim to lose 7kg by then which would have me at my smallest weight in about 3-4 years, although not in the healthy BMI range- from then I still have another 11kg to lose which I'd like gone by mid february early march time-

I don't know if these are so unrealistic but God loves a trier!!

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to Wood05

Hi Wood05,

Welcome to the party - that is a pretty ambitious target but like you say God loves a triers so good luck :)

Bonni1 profile image

I would love to be 11 stone

Which I used to think was fat

But I Defo would not think I was fat if I was 11 stone again

I'm on week 2 and am 12.1

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to Bonni1

Hi Bonni1,

Welcome aboard - fairly ambitious but good luck :) I think it'll take me another 2 years to het to 11 stone ;)

fibronfedup profile image

Sounds totally achievable hun. youve done so well :) good for you, great to see you have keep up the hard work :)

My xmas goal is 11lbs by xmas that would take me out of the 200s for the first time in a long time :)

moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone in reply to fibronfedup

Good luck! :)

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to fibronfedup

11 lbs is quite a bit but you've done so well so far so why not? :)

Good luck :)

fibronfedup profile image
fibronfedup in reply to sueper

It is a big aim! But i remember how much better i stick to it with a goal in mind. I wont let it set me back again if i dont make ill just keep going til i get there :) never give up is the main thing i learned here that always stuck with me :)

Berylbee3 profile image

Well bit late for me to join I guess but I do find this forum is motivating so I will aim for a 5 lbs loss by Xmas so that will mean half stone on original start weight as I did start at 13 lbs 😊 Ambitious I know as progress has been slow but I've been encouraged by another 1 lb loss today!

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to Berylbee3

Welcome to the party Berylbee3 :)

Sounds achievable to me so good luck :)

Hi Seuper I only just heard about this thread this morning so I'm a bit late but xmas is about a month away so here goes. I would like to lose another 7lbs. My worry is how do I keep it off during all that festive eating. I don't drink but it's the extra food around that will get me. Any tips from anyone. How do you plan to survive cams without weight gain

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to

Hi Florence & welcome. I think I have about 7lb to hit my target so we are in good company :)

Good luck :)

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to

Hi again Florence, I plan to take 3 days off over xmas and then work like crazy between then and new year to get off what I have put on. I know I will put on but also know now from experience I can shift it fast if I remain focussed.

WeightWarrior profile image
WeightWarrior in reply to

Definitely planning ahead. Not going to say I won't put any weight on at all, as I plan to have two days off - my Birthday and Christmas Day, and there are at least two meals out as well during December, so I'll be calorie adjusting as much as possible to take those into account. Eg, skip starter, have main course and pudding as I don't eat out very often, but the next day salad lunch and veg stir fry dinner with no noodles or rice etc, just the veg to help balance things up a bit.

Christmas Dinner will be "pile on the veggies" and go easy on the meat and potatoes, basically, although I still plan to have a wee bit of everything - much like I have been doing when I make a roast dinner since I started all this. As for the rest, I'm already looking up calorie values of things I like to eat at Christmas and making a "Christmas Feast" document, adding to the list as I go, so I don't get caught out by not knowing how many calories are in things I really don't want to do without altogether at Christmas. I'm just saving the doc in with my meal documents which I have saved already (so I don't have to keep calculating our regular meals every time I cook). Also, I plan to look at the "Feast" document regularly throughout December to remind me just how many calories are in things so I don't get tempted to overeat. I found out you can freeze Malt Loaf (kind of a tradition, we have it once a year at Xmas - comes from sharing some of dad's when I was a kid!). Anyway, I plan to get one and freeze it in 100 cal portions, which brings me to...

...when I started this eating change, I allowed myself a 100 cal snack every day, so I have that to play with. I already know that I can make my own trifle equivalent with sugar free jelly, 1/4 pack dream topping and 1/4 can mandarin orange, or 1 pineapple ring chopped up for that 100 cal snack. I never eat trifle apart from at Christmas, it's like a tradition (yep, another one!), so I told mum I am sorting my own stuff this year, I will take it with me in a small dish and pop it in the fridge. Shortbread at Christmas is also something which has been on the menu since my childhood (eek, too many food traditions linked with Xmas, no wonder I'm fat!), and I know I have to allow my daily snack, AND shave 100 cals off one of my meals if I want to have 2 shortbread rounds with my cup of tea.

I know it won't be easy, but my family know I am serious and need to do this for my health so I am counting on a combination of my own wish to succeed and my family's support and gentle reminders if I forget myself over the coming month!

Sorry I always seem to waffle on whenever I reply to anyone, I'm just trying to give you an idea of how I plan to "cope". I hope it's of some use after all that waffling - lol!

Can I join in this now?! I am now 11 stone 12 and a half pounds (i mention the half as I have hopes I can shift it more easily than a whole one!) and was hoping/intending to get to 11 stone by end December. It's gone very slowly (because I don't do enough exercise) but is moving. If I got to 11 and a half by end December would be very pleased. Have a friend in for dinner tonight; then planning to get out for a short walk/swim/gym attack as often as I can. Thanks.

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to

Of course you can join now Frankie :) You are most welcome.

Good luck - sounds achievable :)

shogg profile image

well i,m only on week one but i,d like to get 10lbs off

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to shogg

Welcome to the party Shogg :)

Quite a large target but as it's your first week it is certainly achievable :)

Wood05 profile image

Is it too late to join?

So between now and Christmas I'd like to lose another 3-4Kg I would then be at a loss of over 1 1/2 stone in 9 weeks which I would be over the moon with!!

Here's hoping

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to Wood05

No it isn't too late :)

Good luck :)

8811 profile image

Hi, good for you, well done on your loss, you have done Amazing!! I'm on week 4 and have lost 5lb, my target is to lose another 5lb before Christmas. Fingers crossed for us both and everyone else with their challenges x

June1965 profile image

Current weight 9.10lbs.......Goal by 19th December 9.6lbs......

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to June1965

Good luck June :)

LessToLose profile image
LessToLose4lbsRestart April 2024

May I join in too? I still have a massive amount to lose, have averaged 2lbs per week since I started and think that it may be possible for me to lose another 7lbs by Mon 21st Dec.

Like the massively organised WeightWarrior, I too am planning ahead for the Christmas period itself.

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to LessToLose

Of course you can join now :)

I am aiming for about 7 - 8lb (depending on tomorrows weigh-in), it should be achievable for us both :)

skinnylizzie profile image

I'm going to try and get to 12.7 by xmas day I am at 13st.0.75lb today.

sueper profile image
sueper in reply to skinnylizzie

Another one trying for another half stone by xmas - there are a few of us now :)

Good luck :)

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